Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Halloweenie 2011

So this was the first year that we went Trick or Treating around our neighborhood. Trevor's first was at my mom/dad's in Austin; year 2 (age1) was in Houston as was year 3 and 4. This year with Halloween falling on Monday - we couldn't quite make the trip to Houston.

So we debated on where we would go and who with. But when it came down to crunch time - we just headed to a popular neighboring neighborhood. Our neighborhood had for YEARS done a Fall carnival and never really had trick or treating. So we weren't sure if our crazy neighborhood would have enough participants to make Trevor's night feel successful.

Well first - he had to decide on a costume.... His original costume was Bumblebee from Transformers; then during a visit to my parents for my dad's 60th bday Trevor got a "Chinese outfit." So all that weekend he said that was what he was gonna wear to T-O-T. Well down to the wire ---- he chose Bumblebee!

So we put on the costume and headed out to see Papa and Ms Judy/Uncle Tom; then headed over to the Bluffs. HE was fearless going up to the "spooky" houses and quickly got the courage to head up to any and every house we pointed to! At one house they had a huge screen with Thriller playing. Of course we walked up right when Micheal Jackson was changing into the werewolf and Trevor (still staring at the screen) decides "Maybe I can't watch anymore." lol We were telling him it was pretend and that it would play music in a minute. But he started to walk off (again still staring). A little bit down the street he asked if it was playing the music yet.... about 4 houses later --- there it went!

Yep I was doing Thriller in the street!!! lol I can't remember that I knew parts of it!!! Trevor was laughing at me!! But hey - one house gave out ritas to adults!!! even better than Thriller!!!

What was interesting was how many people from our neighborhood were in this neighborhood!!! If only we did T-O-T in our neighborhood eh!?!? Maybe next year. I have stated that it will be my mission next year to bring it back!! we'll see!

So Trevor finished up the night hitting the last of some houses in our neighborhood with some friends who joined in late! He had a blast and came home with a FULL pumpkin! BTW - his favorite candy is "the one with the S" (snickers!!! who knew!?!?!?)

Hope your was spooktacular!

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