Friday, September 30, 2011

some more "Words of Wisdom"

I have been trying to find just the right words to fit some of these special photo moments. If you ever have a good saying you just LOVE, please pass it along!! When I have enough - I want to print them in a book for Trevor to have!


Shirt Nordstrom's; Jeans Baby Gap; Sunglasees from Children's Place

Shirt by Katie Claire Boutique

Shirt made by 4Them Creations; jeans from Baby Gap

Shirt made by 4Them Creations

so "we" (well really me!) have been having a great time modeling!

Trevor has gotten a few 'gigs' and has received 5 shirts and 1 tie-- all for just taking some pictures! I seek out unique looks and interesting angles so I can really showcase Trevor and his personality. Some days are hard - on both of us! Mommy has a hard time being patient and Trevor has a hard time cooperating.

But all in all - it has been a learning experience. I am looking forward to learning more about photography and how to use my camera!!!

Here are a few of my favorite photos!
Oh yeah and check out his Facebook page...