Sunday, September 8, 2013

5 Greatest Accomplishments -- (Things my Kid should know series)

Not sure why I chose this one to talk about next....maybe I wanted to focus on some positives in my life; or maybe I am trying to psyche myself up for something?!?! All I know is that it is hard sometimes to talk about yourself in a positive light; like I'm gloating or something.  It just feels odd.  I've never been one to brag or shout from the rooftops -- "Look at me!"

I dream that in writing my 5 greatest accomplishments they would entail accomplishing world hunger, a Nobel Peace Prize or working for a fabulous non-profit somewhere in another country but it doesn't.  And that's ok. I still have a lot of life to live - so who knows I might accomplish one of those one day......

1) My son - he tops the list for sure.  We waited years to have him, trying to find the "right time" for us.  He was definitely a gift and accomplishment.

2) Graduating College -- I am so glad that I had the backing of a proper education in my family, as it pushed me to get higher education -- not that I didn't ever see myself not doing it, just that college is a feat in itself.

3) Moving out so young -- it may have broken my parent's hearts at the time, but this was a very bold move for me.  I left home at age 19 to live with my "boyfriend" while in school.  Well this boyfriend became my husband (of 11 years) and I think it really helped us to live together.  I was so scared to have that talk with my parents but I did it.  I needed to do it for me and for our relationship.

4) Taking a chance on my passions - This includes stepping out of my shell with Photography and Training.  It took some coaching and throwing myself out there to find they are both things I just LOVE doing and have gotten better and better at.  Maybe one day they will be ONLY what I do for a living, but for right now I am satisfied with them being just a nugget of my life.

5) Hopefully I am will achieve this last accomplishment..... I've been struggling with weight loss for awhile, but I must focus on the better side of things since this hasn't been the most successful feeling lately.  I am proud to say that I truly have focused more on better eating and getting moving so much more this past year.  Though the scale may not show this "success" I know within me - this is great!  Maybe one day my outside will look like I dream - but for now I focus on building the foundation for a healthier lifestyle.

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