Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Kindergarten here I come.....

Guess who started Kindergarten!?!??! That's right...... he's that big! I know, I know - I can't believe how fast the time has flown either. 

So over the summer we talked a lot about how he would be going to Kinder now and how exciting it would be.  We are actually zoned for another school, but since Trevor has attended BCE since 6 months of age we figured this would be the best choice for him.  But as we passed VVE he told us that "That's where D_ is going to grow up." referring to his little friend from CDC.  I love that he looks at it that way -- where he will grow up. 

His teacher is Ms. Isom (the Teacher of the Year for 2011) and he even has a few friends from last year in his class.  When asked how he likes Kinder he replies with the usual "good" or "Yes" (to if he likes it) but I love that he told me on day 3 "Do I have to go to Kindergarten today?"  I said "Yes, I thought you liked it."  He said "I do but it's sooo long.  There is no rest for me."  lol  of all things he misses nap!??!?! 

Teacher gift for the first day
We filled up a drink cup with Chocolate covered Almonds and a Starbucks gift card.  The note states 'I am "brewing" with excitement to be in your Kindergarten class.'  We hope the teacher enjoyed it!
First day of school
I really thought that I would cry like a baby as I watched my son achieve this monumental milestone and I will admit that the car ride to school that morning brought a few tears to my eyes and a couple deep breathes.  As I composed myself to leave my son with a whole "new" program I walked away happy.... it truly was a bittersweet moment.

So you may be wondering how the first 2 weeks have gone.... he says great! Mom says "good with a few hiccups!"  He tattles on himself telling me all the "trouble" he gets in to.  He has needed a few "hard reminders" about some behavior but overall he is doing well! We have our first homework "assignment" and can't wait to bring home a Library book! He is so excited about that!

Some other things going on: Tball has started!! We are with OHYSA this year; team Aeros!  We have been reading the Children's Bible and he is soaking up all the stories about God.  He asked me today "Can we learn more about God?"  He is gearing up for our trip to Hong Kong and is already planning his Christmas List! 

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