Sunday, January 9, 2011

renew or not?

So I have been thinking a lot about a talk I had with my hubby about 7 years ago. I am torn as to whether we should follow through with it or not - so let me know what you think.....

over 14 years ago I met Justin. He was everything a parent disliked in a boyfriend for their daughter; long hair, no formal education or diploma, a construction job and party lifestyle. He drove a red trans-am and is 4 years older. But get this - he loves me unconditionally and is an honest, hardworking, compassionate soul. So 4 years later he asked me to marry him on the very day I graduated from College. He knew that my education meant a lot to me and that finishing college was a huge goal for me and my family. So I said Yes! (well I guess so eh?!) 1 and a half years later we married - June 8, 2002. We had done a "timeshare" trip in 2000 and had purchased a timeshare in Florida - we used that to trade in on a honeymoon trip to Cabo San Lucas!!! We fell in love with it! (hence our purchase of a second timeshare at Playa Grande!) We've been back almost every year since, but on that second year we talked about renewing our vows at year 10 of marraige. We promised to "lose weight" and have a simple wedding on the beach year 2012.

Well that's a short year and half away! And if we want family and friends to join us I think we should decide this soon! So that's where you come in.....

What do you think? Are destination weddings worth it? Does anyone actually come to them? What will I need to be aware of?

If you're willing to come help us celebrate - start planning now.... June 3 - 9, 2012

1 comment:

  1. Sounds fun - Joe and I would go! I personally love destination weddings. I think they are wonderful, intimate and unique. If it's not super important to you who is there, then I say go for it. If it is important that certain people are there to witness the event and those people won't be able to make it or couldn't go then you may change your plan. I think that will be the main factor for you guys!
