Saturday, June 18, 2016

Letters to My Son .... #onelove

To my son -

Since your birth in 2007 there have been over 10 mass shootings in the United States alone. Shootings where innocents lost their lives because someone could not handle their emotions/had mental issues; could not agree with life choices; or could not be tolerant of views that did not mimic their own.  They lost their lives because someone chose hatred over love; hatred over tolerance; hatred over acceptance; they simply chose hatred!  Perhaps because they were scared; had been hurt/bullied; didn't have the mental capability or was taught that way.  No matter the case, I write this letter to you now, because of the recent events in Orlando. Because I want you to know, remember, and be taught that we celebrate uniqueness, individuality and acceptance of others who may not believe as we believe, love how we love or look as we look.

I hope that I've instilled that in you.  That you are unique and loved. That everyone deserves the respect of having their own opinion and values even if they are radically different than ours. That with this respect of others' beliefs, values, religion, sexual preference, looks, etc comes a responsibility to ensure it's done peacefully.  That you NEVER have permission to physically hurt someone (and I'm not talking about self-defense) just because you're angry, don't agree or don't like what they did, said, or look like.  That you have the power to choose LOVE; to choose RESPECT (even if others don't return it); to choose LIFE.

These recent events have rocked me to the core, wondering what kind of world you may grow up in. How much should I shelter you? How much should you be exposed to?  I think back to when I was a child your age and the biggest thing we worried about in school was an earthquake or hurricane (which would likely never happen in my Houston school) but that's what we "prepared" for. Now you practice "lock down drills" for just these types of situations - mass shootings. I have training at work specific to "armed assailants/attacks."   We now live in a world where we potentially fear going to church, the movies, a club, a restaurant .... I never wanted that for you.

Read about these incidents; hopefully there aren't many more after them and see how cities came together, how people came together; how we stood united that this act was unjust.  If you ever feel that much hate to someone I hope you seek guidance from a confidant; a counselor; a parent; a friend.  That you know that violence is NEVER the answer to getting a message across.  That you embrace each person as a unique, God made and loved individual. It doesn't mean you have agree with everything; be best friends with everyone, but only be accepting that it's their life to live how they want - just as yours is. No one is better or greater or more valued than another. We are all God's creations and he loves us all.

Be a beacon of love; of light; of hope! Spread kindness; Pimp joy! Most of all remember "Do unto others as you would have done unto you."

I love you - for you; all of you!

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