Sunday, March 25, 2012

Oh "happy" day!

So the day started off great.  We had a plan and was going to do everything each of us wanted to.....
1) go to the bank to straighten out the accounts
2) go to the Livestock Show/Rodeo/Carnival (meet up with some friends)
3) eat lunch/take Justin to the Music Festival
4) pick up nephew from bball photos/ eat dinner
5) take nephew to bball game and enjoy!
6) pick Justin up from Music Fest and take nephew home

Sounded great right!!! And go me -- I had a plan, so as to not consume too much gas with back and forth driving!!  Well here's how my day went~

We went to the bank, got that new account opened, changed Trevor's to a Young Savers and began the journey to the Travis County Expo Center.  The Rodeo was fun.  We met up with a friend of mine and her family, watched the swine races, let the kiddos ride a few (expensive) carni rides, looked at the winning show animals and ate carni food!!!  Then it was off to drop off Justin (across town) to the Goat Roast Music Festival off 1826 at Camp Ben McCollough.  That went fine too - grabbed some lunch on the way.  I made it early to the elementary school that my nephew Klayton was taking photos at so I let Trevor run around and play on the playground while we were there!  #1 fiasco.............. Trevor had to go potty.  Well no big deal for a boy right?!?  He said "just pee pee."  So with the school being locked I walked him over to a far away tree and allowed him to pee there. (luckily this place had tons of trees and such!)  Well about 5 minutes later, he says "I gotta go poop." we going to that????  It's not like there was a place close by - we'd have to get in the car, drive down the road(round the corner)....I'd for sure have an accident on my hands by then!  So quick thinking I grabbed wipes, napkins and our "lunch bag of trash" from the car.  We walked to the other end of the parking lot/playground area where no one was; only to have one guy walking around on the phone out there and a parent with their kid pull up just as wiping occurred!!! I had Trevor sit over the "bridge" part of the sidewalk, butt hanging off the edge.  Picked up the poop with the napkin, placed in the lunch bag and threw it away!!! Thank God I had all these supplies with me (along with hand sani).  So despite a lil peep show and pooping on school grounds I though "great!"   hahahahahahaha ---- not 10 minutes later he needed to go again!!!!!! I cringed a little because this could only mean the poop would not be as "solid" this time!!! ugh.....i still had a few napkins and some wipes left but no bag to dispose in.  As I walked to the OTHER end of the playground to hide behind some portables, I found a plastic baggie laying around and grabbed it.  This time we sat near a portable and hung his little tush off a sidewalk again.  NOTE to any moms out there....making sure the penis is hanging off (tucked off) is important when pooping for boys!!!  Luckily I remembered this or else we would have had a pee fiasco! lol   So we cleaned that area and finally was able to play without interruptions!  Grabbed the nephew and went to his choice of venue for dinner - Jack in the Box.  It was a nice little meal - as the boys talked about models, books, and hidden pennies! 
We arrived at the game with a bit of time for Klay to do batting practice and Trevor to run around and play.  I should have known more fiascoes would come when Trevor knocked over my FULL 44 oz drink.  Then a neighboring drink! oy.............  After the first inning the coach comes over and says "Are you Klayton's aunt?"  "Yes?"  He then proceeds to tell me how he isn't feeling good, is over to the side, gave him water, blah blah blah....thinks he might need a "poor baby" from me.  So he comes over to the bleachers and sits. I can see that he doesn't feel well - so I am offering TLC, Tums, or something else to help ease his tummy.  At this point we decide to leave the game and go home.  I ask him to grab his stuff and as he tries to stand he PUKES...... all in front of the bleachers.  When he stops I take him to the nearest trashcan to finish up.  I then proceed to attempt to "wash" the puke away with the 16oz cup of water in my hand. after seeing PUKE out the nose... I go for the bathroom (telling Trevor "stay here with Klay")-- thinking napkins and tons of them!  I refill the water cup realizing that it was his drinking water, grab the broom (I'll sweep away the puke) and a roll of toilet paper (for his nose and mouth and clothes).  He is still at the trashcan, with new water now! The dads are all helping at this point, one proceeds to throw water on the puke I was about to attempt to clean up, while the other had gotten him some 7up, another a new water and another getting Klay's equipment for me.  I gather my stuff together and proceed to the car. 
Well that was a little kink in the plans but we'll make it work.  My sister is at the rodeo and has taken a limo to get there.  Not easy to get back home at this point, but that's ok we stay at the house and watch Klay until we have to leave.  I stay a bit a longer than originally desired but I didn't want to leave Klay alone too long before his mom got there.  Luckily he would just be hanging out in bed, alarm set and he's almost 12!  We head to pick up Justin, who when I call I can tell has "enjoyed himself" and the bottle of whiskey he brought to the festival.  Joy................................  It wouldn't have been too bad if he was looking for me when I arrived. Instead we sit (Trevor passed out asleep as it's like 11 am) for like 5 minutes in one spot, then I drive to the other side and sit for a few minutes.  Then proceed to get out of the car and walk around the festival looking for him.  Why didn't I call??? Oh I did, numerous times, texted too.  All to no response.  Luckily I found a friend who helped me look around.  She had just seen him at his uncle's truck with Matt (his bro) but Matt was in the "mosh pit." So wonderful...... we go back to the truck area for the 2nd time, and there he was -- IN THE TRUCK.  Um hello I parked RIGHT NEXT TO YOU!!!!!!!!! He probably even saw me walking around like an idiot! I swear a few young ones looked at me like "Oh shit someone's mom is pissed!"  So all I yell at him is something to the effect of "Really! I'm right next to you. WTF - Come on let's go!"  I forget to thank the friend (so thank you Lisa if you are reading) and jump into the car and WAIT............................... a few minutes later he joins me and says the typical drunk line "If you're gonna be a b* about it I can just stay."  Um H--- NO I drove my butt all the way out here - you are coming home with me!  I don't say it out loud  per se because it will only heat this matter up!  We proceed down the road and head for home.
It was a nice quiet 35 minute ride .... 2 sleeping boys in the car as I drive in the dark (which I hate and gives me a horrid headache) but we make it to the turn onto Cuernavaca.  I vaguely hear Justin say something just before and looked over to find him clutching his mouth to puke...... OMG.  Because the car is in drive the doors are locked and drunk boy and tired mom are scrambling to figure out how to open the door in time.  Finally I realize put it in PARK!!!!  As he hangs out the door and pukes, of course a car comes up behind us to turn as well.   So I frantically put the car back in drive and proceed to the side of the road, where Justin proceeds to puke some more - thank God I still had that roll of toilet paper!  We finally make it home. I get both into bed and now I can finally get some rest!

Thank God this was a rare day in my life -- but so full of interesting "adventures." 

Lesson learned:  ALWAYS carry toilet paper, a plastic baggie (or 2), wipes, and hand sani in the car.  You never know when you'll need it - once or twice or 4 times! lol

I'll add some Rodeo pics soon!

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