Monday, February 28, 2011

Kitchen Re-model

So I have been talking about doing this remodel for over 3 years now!!! I think we are slowly getting it done. Not at all like I would like it to be done. My dream - we gather all materials together and bust it out in a weekend! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

So it all started 4 years ago when my mom's neighbor was remodeling their kitchen and had cabinets and a dishwasher they needed to get rid of. We jumped on it! Well there they sat in our storage shed - as a baby was on the way and many other household tasks came! Finally 4 years later - we have begun the process.

We moved the fridge to begin with over to the other side so that we could create an L-shaped counter top system. After much debate and measuring I was afraid I was going to have to spend almost $600 on cabinets so that we could have all the cabinets and pantry space we needed. Instead we will create a corner pantry system and NOT have to buy cabinets!!! YAY!!! That means no trying to match cabinet doors, or painting cabinets to match or spending $$ we didn't really have!

However, with each task comes a slight sna-fu!!! The fridge meant redoing the water line on that side. Moving the gas stove over one wall - requires trying to figure out how to cut the countertop to accomodate an awfully placed gas pipe! I can only imagine waht the electrical work will bring when we remove the wall this weekend! Thank goodness we have friends with knowledge or work experience in almost every facet this remodel will cover!

So here's to a speedy remodel, minimal costs and a beautiful finish! I'll keep you posted --- but feel free to stop by and help out!!! Especially come painting time! ;)

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