So despite my ECE background; you know "the right and wrong way" of doing things per a young child, I made one of the biggest NO-NO's. I let my child co-sleep at the tender age of infancy.
He's always had a hard time sleeping, especially napping on his own. My mom can attest to that, he would never sleep in his pack'n'play for her. His typical sleep was snuggled up next to someone or in your arms. So for momma and daddy to get any sleep at night (especially when nursing) he would just sleep with us.
I promised my self at age 1, he'd move to his crib. He did for a bit, then he learned how to climb out, scaring the be-jesus out of us. Toddler bed came, and I tried the baby whisper technique= not so comfy for momma, so that idea bailed and back to our bed he came. Age 2 I swore, now with his big boy bed we'd do it and stick to it! A few nights here and there, but with me being a heavy sleeper, I never really noticed when his cute lil body joined into our bed so that I could divert him. Age 3 came and went, but not with out trying a few new tactics. Currently we are working slowly, getting him to enjoy his room a bit more.
Lately we have been encouraging him to fall asleep in his bed and not ours. I tried bribery and moved onto incentives. He would get a star for each night he fell asleep in his bed; if he stayed all night a smiley face. 5 stars = treat we hadn't even talked about what a smiley face would bring! The first few nights - he really wasn't into it, but with our coaxing and encouragement he'd lay down, solemn faced and do it...just crawling into our bed in the wee hours of the night! Then night 3 came...coaxing=fail, encouragement= fail, bribery=epic fail He stated "you know what momma, I don't think I want a treat. I'll just sleep in your bed!" This boy is tooooooo intelligent!!! I still made him go to his bed.
This morning he jumped out of (our) bed to see how many stars he had earned....it had been 5!! "I get a treat! A candy is a treat. Can I have a candy?!" Needless to say we are excited about this progress. We hope that soon he'll just get used to his bed and stay.
Well tonight he amazed us again...Simon the class guinea pig is staying this weekend - in Trevor's room. He played in there all afternoon, reading stories, watching movies and acting out superheros with Simon. It got quiet around 9:15 so I wen to check on him (since it was past his bedtime) and low and behold there he was.... In HIS bed, with his yellow blankie, ASLEEP!!! without coaxing, without encouragement or bribery -- or even a bedtime reminder!!! WOW!!!
What can I say... I just Love this kid! He amazes me with his brilliance and maturity!! (well he does have his moments of pure 3 year old behaviors and tantrums) When he does things like this I just want to freeze time and keep him little forever!!
But yes - I know they have to grow up, to be the person they are to be. But in the same aspect we want our children to grow up too fast sometimes, sometimes before they are truly ready. I can only hope that he treasures his youth as I do, and allows himself to enjoy it as he is now!
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