SO --- I have "listed" Trevor as an online model with some pages on Facebook. ABove are some of the photos I used. I will need to do some photo shoots to get a few better ones!
It all started with a co-worker talking about how she listed her daughter and how she already had a "booking". I was intrigued and began asking questions and investigating it all on Facebook. So the deal is you list your child with a Modeling Placement Agency (page). They network and obtain Boutique partners to join them and the boutiques use the models listed to show off their stuff. Typically you only pay for shipping, model the items, send back 10 photos and BAM you're child is online as a model for the boutique (especially on their Etsy page -- which I hear is a BIG deal in the boutique world!)
So - after researching I found 2 sites... one offered a deal for a year; the other a FREE listing for 2 months. Noticing that many of the more successful models had their own pages - I created one for Trevor! Just to see if it would help!
My thought was he is so animated and cute (I am baised!) that if we can get some goodies, exposure and have some fun - what's the hurt?!!? IF he really likes doing it we'll try to pursue it more passionately, if not - nothing lost. Plus there are not many boy models--- both a hinder and positive.
I will admit - I've gotten a bit obsessive - looking at numerous pages and models, just to see what I can do to help Trevor's "career!" But if you want to check him out and "Like" him there are 3 places you can go on Facebook -
1) Trevor's modeling page
2) Simply Blessed Models
3) Ellie Kate Models
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