I can't believe 4 years have come and gone. It seems like yesterday that I was standing in a firework stand, watching my due date come and go.
So here's the story of how Trevor came into this world, 4 years ago (well on July 6th & 7th). We were working our firework stand and hoping that Baby Hill (we had not settled on a name yet) would wait to make his arrival until after the 4th! July 3rd came and went (my due date) so I had to go back to the dr on the 6th. My mom came with me and watched me endure a stress test to ensure Trevor was ok. I had to click a button every time I felt a contraction... I don't think I ever truly felt anything -- I just clicked when he moved!
I was only like 1 1/2 cm and 80%, so we figured no baby tonight and went home. I thought for sure the stress and exercise of working the stand would have done it, but not really. We settled down after dinner and as I lay on the couch I had that feeling...ya know- like I peed myself (not some huge gush, but a leak). Called the nurses hotline and they said come on in. Mind you this is July 6th evening around 7 pm. My mom even beat us to the hospital.
After 2 tests they confirmed - YES my water had broken and I was admitted, IV hooked up and pitocin running - cuz I had like NO contractions!!!! Well instead of a quick labor (like my mom had once her water had broken with us girls) it drug on and on!!! I SLOWLY dilated as people slowly came up to the hospital to visit. I even took phone calls during it all.
Finally around 8 pm the 7th I got to start pushing....after an hour of unsuccessfully dislodging him off my pelvic bone, the dr on call decided c-section would be best! I had never anticipated a C-Section and quite honestly did NOT pay attention to this part of the birthing class! It scared the bejesus out of me and crushed my spirit that I would not have a "normal" birthing experience.
After getting prepped, rolled into the O.R. I was having a horrible reaction to the anesthesia (oh yeah- I had gotten the epidural -- now talk about a crazy feeling for your lower half!!!) and swore there was something wrong with my feet!!! Justin joined me and tried to keep me calm (I was scared $@*tless). 10:39 pm the doctor delivered his 7th baby of the night -- I had given in to naming him (I wanted Caleb Wyatt) and decided that since Trevor had been SOOOO stubborn in coming out Trevor Wyatt would be his name (as Trevor meant prudent in Welsh!) Wyatt is my grandmothers maiden name.
After asking the Dr for a tummy tuck (being denied a tummy tuck) and recouping almost an hour after,I got to see and hold my baby!!!
He was born on the 7th of July 2007 (7-7-07); the 7th baby Dr Cowan delivered; we were sent to the 7th floor to reover; 7 years between grand kids and born on Saturday - the 7th day of the week....add them all up that's seven 7's associated with him!!! Crazy eh!??!
Totally unplanned for the 7th - but there he was. Trevor Wyatt Hill 8 lbs 10 oz 21 inches
So that's how my sweet Trevor came into the world.
Aww I love that story!