Here are some of our TOP events of 2011.... they are not specifically in order as to the best but just listed (per my decision! lol)
Not quite the Top Ten but still "news worthy":
* Hook'em the Cat "runs away" - we found an abandoned cat in our boat around October 2010; nursed him to health and early 2011 he "ran away" Trevor still thinks of him and wants another pet!!! he caused some chaos in our house but he was a lovable lil guy!* Taipa (Great Grandma comes to visit!) 10/2011 - Trevor got to hang out with his Great Grandma on my dad's side and Great Aunt Yvonne for a few days as we celebrated my dad's 60th birthday. He still knows his Chinese name - San Di Fok (aka Big Money Hill)
* Trevor's LAST year in Preschool - this is his LAST year with the BCE CDC. It has been his home away from home for the last 4 and a half years! I trust these ladies with him explicitly! He LOVES school and his friends and teachers. I miss that I cannot be there as much but it eases my heart to know he is learning and is loved!
10. Trevor turns 4 - RockStar Party and Seaworld
We celebrated Trevor's 4th birthday by rocking out at the pool and clubhouse in our neighborhood! I'll admit that I can go to extremes with collaborating matching bowls, plates, deco, etc.... Heck I made VIP passes as the invitation. I worry that I will end up wanting to out do each party and be featured on some crazy reality show! lol We also took Trevor and Klayton to Seaworld - one of his all time favorite places to go! It was 2 days of fun in the sun with Whales, dolphins and water - oh my!!!!
He LOVES Shamu! |
9.Visit to Colorado - First Road trip
We decided this year to save some money and travel to CO to see Justin's grandparents at their cabin in Lake City. It would Trevor's FIRST road trip (besides driving to Houston!) We rented a car and drove up Texas, through a bit of New Mexico and then into Colorado! We had lots of fun fishing; exploring the mountainside, mines and trails; mini-golfing; and more. On the way back home we even stopped at the Alligator Farm and Cadillac Ranch! Grandpa Jim, Grandma Gail, Daddy and Trevor in Lake City, CO |
8. Meet Trevor the Model
After some investigating and with my LOVE for photography we jumped into the world of Facebook Modeling! Trevor is currently listed with 4 placement pages, but gets most of his work with Boutique Beauties ( We have had sooo much fun modeling hats, ties and shirts! Check out his modeling page on Facebook![]() |
Modeling for Moda Clothing Co. |
7. New Job for me - just call me "CDS!"
February 2011 brought a new adventure in the work place. I left Eanes ISD after over 5 years of blood, sweat, tears and jubilations (and my second FAMILY!) to try something new and different! There are moments I missed, people I miss and babies I no longer get to snuggle and love, but I wouldn't trade this decision. It has been a fast 9 months and I have made some great new friends! I truly LOVE my job!6. Trevor sleeps in his bed (with Simons help!) June 18, 11
So a goal I had for Trevor since birth was to sleep in his bed (by himself!) but instead we fell into a co-sleeping habit. This was a decision that I struggled with. I personally didn't mind most nights and still yearn for the snuggle time and closeness it brought. I knew one day he would just decide to do it and he did. We weren't sure if Simon helped him get over the initial fear or not, but from that night on he slept in his bed!
Simon the Guinea Pig helped Trevor! |
5. Kitchen remodel begins...not finished!
So the kitchen has been ready to be remodeled since before Trevor was born with the gift of FREE cabinets and a dishwasher! But it didn't actually happen until February 2011. It was a slow start, going section by section, obstacle by obstacle.
Before |
After |
4. Snow hits Austin - 2/4/11
We awoke one morning to snow all over our house, yard and street! How fun to have a true "snow day" in Austin. Trevor had a blast making snowballs, throwing them at us and creating snow angels! It will be a fun family day that none of us will forget!
"Snow" much fun! 2/4/11 |
3. Fires in Spicewood (Steiner Ranch, Pflugerville, Cedar Park and Bastrop)
The Labor Day Fires will always be memorable to many in this area. Almost everyone knew someone affected in some way by ones of the 5 fires that raged thru the local areas! Justin's job site was demolished! It was a somber sight to see neighboring homes burnt to the ground, as people rummaged thru the debris for something that made it through. They are still cleaning up the pieces from this fire that raged Spicewood. We are grateful for Justin to still have a job! His boss has helped many of the locals around them as well!Daddy's Work Building 9/5/11 |
2. Car woes and Yahoos!
Wow this year brought on some woes for my "green machine" BMW. We bought the car just before Trevor was born in 2007 and this past year has cost us the most. At the beginning of the year I was stranded on 360 with a broken catalytic converter/pipe. The AC quite working just around August 2011. Then I blew a tire, messing up the front passenger side on the tollroad --> 2 new tires; then the car wouldn't turn off resulting in another visit to the mechanic which in turn lead to a horrible fiasco with Firestone and being out of a car for a month's time! Then November 2011 my parents offered to help us out with a more reliable ride! We bought my mom's CRV2008 from them. What a relief to have a reliable car! The green machine is still going and we'll drive to the ground!!! too much money in it now to turn back!
1. Trevor starts T-ball
We were so excited to get Trevor into T-ball this past Fall season! We decided to try out the South Austin League - due to his age/birthdate. We met some great kids/families and Trevor just had a fun time! His team was the Thunder, ironically the same name as Klayton's team that season!! We plan on doing Spring ball as well - but will be moving onto Oak Hill's league. Team Thunder Rocks! |
So this new year will bring many other life events! Some to look forward to hearing about in this blog (as they happen)....... Visit to Hong Kong; Trevor starts Kindergarten (aka Mommy's heart breaks!); Summer Vacation to California and Cabo; and who knows what else this year will bring!!!! Stay tuned!