Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2011 Best of the Year

Here are some of our TOP events of 2011.... they are not specifically in order as to the best but just listed (per my decision! lol)
Not quite the Top Ten but still "news worthy":
  * Hook'em the Cat "runs away" - we found an abandoned cat in our boat around October 2010; nursed him to health and early 2011 he "ran away"  Trevor still thinks of him and wants another pet!!! he caused some chaos in our house but he was a lovable lil guy!
  * Taipa (Great Grandma comes to visit!) 10/2011 - Trevor got to hang out with his Great Grandma on my dad's side and Great Aunt Yvonne for a few days as we celebrated my dad's 60th birthday.  He still knows his Chinese name - San Di Fok (aka Big Money Hill)
  * Trevor's LAST year in Preschool - this is his LAST year with the BCE CDC.  It has been his home away from home for the last 4 and a half years! I trust these ladies with him explicitly! He LOVES school and his friends and teachers.  I miss that I cannot be there as much but it eases my heart to know he is learning and is loved!

10. Trevor turns 4 - RockStar Party and Seaworld
We celebrated Trevor's 4th birthday by rocking out at the pool and clubhouse in our neighborhood! I'll admit that I can go to extremes with collaborating matching bowls, plates, deco, etc.... Heck I made VIP passes as the invitation.  I worry that I will end up wanting to out do each party and be featured on some crazy reality show! lol We also took Trevor and Klayton to Seaworld - one of his all time favorite places to go!  It was 2 days of fun in the sun with Whales, dolphins and water - oh my!!!!
He LOVES Shamu!

9.Visit to Colorado - First Road trip
We decided this year to save some money and travel to CO to see Justin's grandparents at their cabin in Lake City.  It would Trevor's FIRST road trip (besides driving to Houston!)  We rented a car and drove up Texas, through a bit of New Mexico and then into Colorado! We had lots of fun fishing; exploring the mountainside, mines and trails; mini-golfing; and more.  On the way back home we even stopped at the Alligator Farm and Cadillac Ranch!
Grandpa Jim, Grandma Gail, Daddy and Trevor in Lake City, CO

8. Meet Trevor the Model
After some investigating and with my LOVE for photography we jumped into the world of Facebook Modeling!  Trevor is currently listed with 4 placement pages, but gets most of his work with Boutique Beauties ( We have had sooo much fun modeling hats, ties and shirts!  Check out his modeling page on Facebook
Modeling for Moda Clothing Co.

7. New Job for me - just call me "CDS!"
February 2011 brought a new adventure in the work place. I left Eanes ISD after over 5 years of blood, sweat, tears and jubilations (and my second FAMILY!) to try something new and different!  There are moments I missed, people I miss and babies I no longer get to snuggle and love, but I wouldn't trade this decision.  It has been a fast 9 months and I have made some great new friends! I truly LOVE my job!
6. Trevor sleeps in his bed (with Simons help!)  June 18, 11
So a goal I had for Trevor since birth was to sleep in his bed (by himself!) but instead we fell into a co-sleeping habit.  This was a decision that I struggled with.  I personally didn't mind most nights and still yearn for the snuggle time and closeness it brought.  I knew one day he would just decide to do it and he did.  We weren't sure if Simon helped him get over the initial fear or not, but from that night on he slept in his bed! 

Simon the Guinea Pig helped Trevor!

5. Kitchen remodel begins...not finished!
So the kitchen has been ready to be remodeled since before Trevor was born with the gift of FREE cabinets and a dishwasher!  But it didn't actually happen until February 2011.  It was a slow start, going section by section, obstacle by obstacle.
 But soon it came along and became functional, my only true request at the time!  Now I just want it finished before we move onto another home project!!! Just some minor details before the flooring can be done....until then I will keep dreaming of having a finished kitchen!

4. Snow hits Austin - 2/4/11
We awoke one morning to snow all over our house, yard and street! How fun to have a true "snow day" in Austin.  Trevor had a blast making snowballs, throwing them at us and creating snow angels!  It will be a fun family day that none of us will forget!
"Snow" much fun! 2/4/11

3. Fires in Spicewood (Steiner Ranch, Pflugerville, Cedar Park and Bastrop)
The Labor Day Fires will always be memorable to many in this area.  Almost everyone knew someone affected in some way by ones of the 5 fires that raged thru the local areas!  Justin's job site was demolished!  It was a somber sight to see neighboring homes burnt to the ground, as people rummaged thru the debris for something that made it through.  They are still cleaning up the pieces from this fire that raged Spicewood.  We are grateful for Justin to still have a  job! His boss has helped many of the locals around them as well!
Daddy's Work Building 9/5/11
2. Car woes and Yahoos!
Wow this year brought on some woes for my "green machine" BMW.  We bought the car just before Trevor was born in 2007 and this past year has cost us the most.  At the beginning of the year I was stranded on 360 with a broken catalytic converter/pipe.  The AC quite working just around August 2011.  Then I blew a tire, messing up the front passenger side on the tollroad --> 2 new tires; then the car wouldn't turn off resulting in another visit to the mechanic which in turn lead to a horrible fiasco with Firestone and being out of a car for a month's time!  Then November 2011 my parents offered to help us out with a more reliable ride!  We bought my mom's CRV2008 from them.  What a relief to have a reliable car!  The green machine is still going and we'll drive to the ground!!! too much money in it now to turn back!
1. Trevor starts T-ball
We were so excited to get Trevor into T-ball this past Fall season! We decided to try out the South Austin League - due to his age/birthdate.  We met some great kids/families and Trevor just had a fun time!  His team was the Thunder, ironically the same name as Klayton's team that season!! We plan on doing Spring ball as well - but will be moving onto Oak Hill's league.  
Team Thunder Rocks!

Upcoming 2012.....
So this new year will bring many other life events!  Some to look forward to hearing about in this blog (as they happen)....... Visit to Hong Kong; Trevor starts Kindergarten (aka Mommy's heart breaks!); Summer Vacation to California and Cabo; and who knows what else this year will bring!!!! Stay tuned!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Holidays are here again

So here it is... Holiday time again. Another year has seemed to speed by in a whirlwind of excitement! 2012 is right around the corner and will be here before I blink!

We have been so fortunate to spend our Holidays with family. This year everyone is here at my parent's in Houston. We have drunk hot apple cider, played games, and will go look at Christmas lights soon! I just love this time of year.

It's also the time of year when I miss my Grandma the most! I dreamt about her last night, we were looking for a place for her to live and she was so healthy and happy. I wish that Trevor got to know her better. I tell him stories and show him pictures but it will never replace the real and living person!

Trevor will undoubtedly be spoiled with gifts tomorrow. He asked Santa for 3 things specifically although his gift grew and grew each visit to a store he made. He will get them all (what he asked Santa for!) plus a few re-gifts of items from when Klayton was little. He'll never know the difference. He has been spending the past couple of days with my parents and has been showing everyone his new persona!

Lately he has been either whiny with this baby voice talk OR very demanding and authoritative. He told my mom the other night that "he did not call on her to answer the question he asked." Then when she raised her hand, he stated "I did not ask anyone to raise their hands!" WOW! I think school and my personality has been rubbing off on him! lol

His favorite song lately is "I'm sexy and I know it" by LMFAO. He jams to it with the cutest body rock movements! It's sad that I expose my child to this music but he loves it so!!! Anything with a good beat he is on!!! His vocabulary is amazing - picking up a word just within a few uses. His desire for knowledge is astounding - asking "what does that mean?" or "Why is it like that?"

The year was full of great things. I think my next and LAST 2011 post will be a count down of the BEST of 2011 for us!

Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy your families and the time together. Cherish what you have. May the new year bring all you hope and dream! LOVES!!!!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Photo Card

Handwritten Wishes Christmas
Customize your Christmas cards this year at
View the entire collection of cards.

Friday, September 30, 2011

some more "Words of Wisdom"

I have been trying to find just the right words to fit some of these special photo moments. If you ever have a good saying you just LOVE, please pass it along!! When I have enough - I want to print them in a book for Trevor to have!


Shirt Nordstrom's; Jeans Baby Gap; Sunglasees from Children's Place

Shirt by Katie Claire Boutique

Shirt made by 4Them Creations; jeans from Baby Gap

Shirt made by 4Them Creations

so "we" (well really me!) have been having a great time modeling!

Trevor has gotten a few 'gigs' and has received 5 shirts and 1 tie-- all for just taking some pictures! I seek out unique looks and interesting angles so I can really showcase Trevor and his personality. Some days are hard - on both of us! Mommy has a hard time being patient and Trevor has a hard time cooperating.

But all in all - it has been a learning experience. I am looking forward to learning more about photography and how to use my camera!!!

Here are a few of my favorite photos!
Oh yeah and check out his Facebook page...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Saturday, August 27, 2011

NEW Idea

So I mentioned that I have been reading another mom's blog from the ATX area. Well she has an adorable daughter (who is also in boutique modeling) and this great idea. I am thinking about spinning off of it to create a truly memorable momento for Trevor.

She takes a photo of her child each day and attaches a "love letter" to it; typically words of wisdom for her daughter. I LOVE this idea and even mentioned to her once all 365 are done that she should publish it for it her daughter.

So my twist...not 365 pictures, not a photo a day, or words of wisdom (well not exactly).... I am thinking just some of my favorite photos with some of my favorite quotes/poems/songs. What do you think?!?! Is it too much of a "rip-off"?

Here's my first photo...any quote ideas?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Daycare vs Early Education

So I just went a little psycho on a blog I am following. The blogger (a new mom and news anchor for our city) has recently placed her child in a "daycare." Those are her words - not mine! She's been apprehensive about it and wanted feedback about a question she like 23 comments were made and almost all the ones who commented as Child care educators even referred to themselves as "daycare workers."

So I ranted..... this is one of my biggest PET PEEVES in reference to my profession. When you ask some to describe a daycare, many make it sound like glorified babysitting. No one really talks about curriculum or teachers.... I am hoping this stigma will change and I think many people's vision of "daycare" has. To me if your child is receiving educational care by a person who have degrees, been educated or experienced in the field then it is not "daycare" - it is Early Learning Centers or Child Development centers or Early education programs......those people teaching and caring for your child are TEACHERS!!!!!!!

UGH!!!! Please do not refer to a place as "daycare" unless it truly is DAY CARE.... I work in one of the MOST important fields; we help shape and mold today's youth - before they get to elementary school; we are their second home, second parent, second family; WE ARE TEACHERS WHO PROVIDE EARLY EDUCATION AND CARE!!!!!!!! Please speak it proud!

My child attends a Child Development Center and I LOVE his TEACHERS!!!! I could only wish that one day - those TEACHERS would get paid something anywhere near to what they deserve....

Ok rant done!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Trevor update....

So if you read the blog below about Trevor having some issues sleeping in his bed and Simon seemingly helping him thru his first night, and my other blogs about this being a summer goal last year - then you know my struggles. Well Simon did the trick. Who knew a guinea pig would help a chronic co-sleeping child to all of a sudden sleep in his bed EVERY NIGHT SINCE!!!!!! Last goal COMPLETE!!! Let's just say Momma and Daddy are happy to have our bed back (don't get dirty thoughts folks!)

Trevor's 4 now! He had a rockin birthday party at our neighborhood clubhouse and pool! I was fortunate to still have my ties to get some instruments and such from Trevor's school (to borrow) and a brother in law that has band we set up a stage like presence with real mics, speakers, instruments (pretend),colored light disco ball and ROCK music! The kids LOVED it!!! I have to admit - it was cool! I think I have a little obsession with my son's birthday may see me one day on that TLC show "Extravagant Kids Parties" (or something like that!!!) Oh dear God - don't let my kid end up on "My Sweet Sixteen!" on MTV!!!!

For summer Trevor spent one month in Summer Care and one month with my mom and dad in Houston! That's right - he was away for 3 weeks!!! It was nice to have quiet and do things without hearing a whine, cry or shrill! By week 2.5 I was getting sad...having moments of depression, but I made it through with phone calls and skype! Meanwhile, Trevor was living it up - being spoiled rotten - playing Wii, watching movies, eating do-nuts, and swimming every day! Some of his memorable quotes
"Popo has fur under his arms." My mom:"Your daddy has more fur than Popo." Trevor: "But Daddy's is brown!"
"When my mommy goes to work and my dad goes to work, I don't have a family." :(

With all of Trevor's swimming practice he became a fish! He learned to dive down to the bottom on his own, swim a distance where taking a breathe is needed, and how to cannonball! He is fearless now and we have to watch him like crazy around water!

Oh and we went to Seaworld for his birthday too!!! What a blast!!!

blog, oh blog - where are you?!?!

so - I think I've been bad at keeping up with this! If I think back at why I started it, maybe I am not so far behind, but once I began my intentions had changed.... instead of being a replacement for my quarterly email of our life, I wanted it to be more of my notes as a mommy! Well those notes have become few and far between! :( So I am about to post BLOG after BLOG!!! Be have been warned! Here is the last 3 months of our lives.......

Sunday, July 3, 2011

4 years ago....

I can't believe 4 years have come and gone. It seems like yesterday that I was standing in a firework stand, watching my due date come and go.

So here's the story of how Trevor came into this world, 4 years ago (well on July 6th & 7th). We were working our firework stand and hoping that Baby Hill (we had not settled on a name yet) would wait to make his arrival until after the 4th! July 3rd came and went (my due date) so I had to go back to the dr on the 6th. My mom came with me and watched me endure a stress test to ensure Trevor was ok. I had to click a button every time I felt a contraction... I don't think I ever truly felt anything -- I just clicked when he moved!

I was only like 1 1/2 cm and 80%, so we figured no baby tonight and went home. I thought for sure the stress and exercise of working the stand would have done it, but not really. We settled down after dinner and as I lay on the couch I had that feeling...ya know- like I peed myself (not some huge gush, but a leak). Called the nurses hotline and they said come on in. Mind you this is July 6th evening around 7 pm. My mom even beat us to the hospital.

After 2 tests they confirmed - YES my water had broken and I was admitted, IV hooked up and pitocin running - cuz I had like NO contractions!!!! Well instead of a quick labor (like my mom had once her water had broken with us girls) it drug on and on!!! I SLOWLY dilated as people slowly came up to the hospital to visit. I even took phone calls during it all.

Finally around 8 pm the 7th I got to start pushing....after an hour of unsuccessfully dislodging him off my pelvic bone, the dr on call decided c-section would be best! I had never anticipated a C-Section and quite honestly did NOT pay attention to this part of the birthing class! It scared the bejesus out of me and crushed my spirit that I would not have a "normal" birthing experience.

After getting prepped, rolled into the O.R. I was having a horrible reaction to the anesthesia (oh yeah- I had gotten the epidural -- now talk about a crazy feeling for your lower half!!!) and swore there was something wrong with my feet!!! Justin joined me and tried to keep me calm (I was scared $@*tless). 10:39 pm the doctor delivered his 7th baby of the night -- I had given in to naming him (I wanted Caleb Wyatt) and decided that since Trevor had been SOOOO stubborn in coming out Trevor Wyatt would be his name (as Trevor meant prudent in Welsh!) Wyatt is my grandmothers maiden name.

After asking the Dr for a tummy tuck (being denied a tummy tuck) and recouping almost an hour after,I got to see and hold my baby!!!

He was born on the 7th of July 2007 (7-7-07); the 7th baby Dr Cowan delivered; we were sent to the 7th floor to reover; 7 years between grand kids and born on Saturday - the 7th day of the week....add them all up that's seven 7's associated with him!!! Crazy eh!??!

Totally unplanned for the 7th - but there he was. Trevor Wyatt Hill 8 lbs 10 oz 21 inches

So that's how my sweet Trevor came into the world.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Bed time Blues

So despite my ECE background; you know "the right and wrong way" of doing things per a young child, I made one of the biggest NO-NO's. I let my child co-sleep at the tender age of infancy.

He's always had a hard time sleeping, especially napping on his own. My mom can attest to that, he would never sleep in his pack'n'play for her. His typical sleep was snuggled up next to someone or in your arms. So for momma and daddy to get any sleep at night (especially when nursing) he would just sleep with us.

I promised my self at age 1, he'd move to his crib. He did for a bit, then he learned how to climb out, scaring the be-jesus out of us. Toddler bed came, and I tried the baby whisper technique= not so comfy for momma, so that idea bailed and back to our bed he came. Age 2 I swore, now with his big boy bed we'd do it and stick to it! A few nights here and there, but with me being a heavy sleeper, I never really noticed when his cute lil body joined into our bed so that I could divert him. Age 3 came and went, but not with out trying a few new tactics. Currently we are working slowly, getting him to enjoy his room a bit more.

Lately we have been encouraging him to fall asleep in his bed and not ours. I tried bribery and moved onto incentives. He would get a star for each night he fell asleep in his bed; if he stayed all night a smiley face. 5 stars = treat we hadn't even talked about what a smiley face would bring! The first few nights - he really wasn't into it, but with our coaxing and encouragement he'd lay down, solemn faced and do it...just crawling into our bed in the wee hours of the night! Then night 3 came...coaxing=fail, encouragement= fail, bribery=epic fail He stated "you know what momma, I don't think I want a treat. I'll just sleep in your bed!" This boy is tooooooo intelligent!!! I still made him go to his bed.

This morning he jumped out of (our) bed to see how many stars he had had been 5!! "I get a treat! A candy is a treat. Can I have a candy?!" Needless to say we are excited about this progress. We hope that soon he'll just get used to his bed and stay.

Well tonight he amazed us again...Simon the class guinea pig is staying this weekend - in Trevor's room. He played in there all afternoon, reading stories, watching movies and acting out superheros with Simon. It got quiet around 9:15 so I wen to check on him (since it was past his bedtime) and low and behold there he was.... In HIS bed, with his yellow blankie, ASLEEP!!! without coaxing, without encouragement or bribery -- or even a bedtime reminder!!! WOW!!!

What can I say... I just Love this kid! He amazes me with his brilliance and maturity!! (well he does have his moments of pure 3 year old behaviors and tantrums) When he does things like this I just want to freeze time and keep him little forever!!

But yes - I know they have to grow up, to be the person they are to be. But in the same aspect we want our children to grow up too fast sometimes, sometimes before they are truly ready. I can only hope that he treasures his youth as I do, and allows himself to enjoy it as he is now!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


SO --- I have "listed" Trevor as an online model with some pages on Facebook. ABove are some of the photos I used. I will need to do some photo shoots to get a few better ones!

It all started with a co-worker talking about how she listed her daughter and how she already had a "booking". I was intrigued and began asking questions and investigating it all on Facebook. So the deal is you list your child with a Modeling Placement Agency (page). They network and obtain Boutique partners to join them and the boutiques use the models listed to show off their stuff. Typically you only pay for shipping, model the items, send back 10 photos and BAM you're child is online as a model for the boutique (especially on their Etsy page -- which I hear is a BIG deal in the boutique world!)

So - after researching I found 2 sites... one offered a deal for a year; the other a FREE listing for 2 months. Noticing that many of the more successful models had their own pages - I created one for Trevor! Just to see if it would help!

My thought was he is so animated and cute (I am baised!) that if we can get some goodies, exposure and have some fun - what's the hurt?!!? IF he really likes doing it we'll try to pursue it more passionately, if not - nothing lost. Plus there are not many boy models--- both a hinder and positive.

I will admit - I've gotten a bit obsessive - looking at numerous pages and models, just to see what I can do to help Trevor's "career!" But if you want to check him out and "Like" him there are 3 places you can go on Facebook -
1) Trevor's modeling page
2) Simply Blessed Models
3) Ellie Kate Models

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sad heart

Today we gathered with family we rarely see - Justin's paternal father's side. His )Justin's) grandmother's sister had passed away and we knew that this visit would mean possibly seeing family we hadn't seen in years.

Without digging too much into Justin's history here's the short story. Justin's parents divorced when he was 2 (ish) and his dad remarried almost instantly, having 2 more boys. Their relationship became estranged over the years, however at one point in his teen years he did live with his dad, but after that the communication ceased. In fact he hadn't talked to, no letter or cards, or seen for years until his brothers graduated from college and high school in the same year. I believe it was around 1999. I got to meet the infamous Step-mom, "Prodigal Father" and brothers. It wasn't a warm gathering but it was civil.... much like today's.

Despite this strained relationship I chose to never give up; to be the bigger person; to know I tried to connect (cuz I knew Justin's hurt and pride wouldn't let him). Each year they got a Christmas card; a birth announcement of the grandchild; and still an annual Christmas card of their grandson. Today they meet for the first time (well Trevor met his uncles and grandpa). Again it wasn't the warmest of gatherings since it was funeral. But this was the first time he saw his grandson in person!!! You'd think a bond might have been attempted, a talk about how and what he was up to; maybe even a picture taken of the two?!!? But no.... perhaps he felt guilty looking at Trevor -- seeing his own son he abandoned years ago (for whatever his reasoning was.) I don't know what was going on in his head or heart.

I just ached for my son and my husband. He will never get to meet the cousins we see in photos (his grandmother sends us - cuz they sure don't!); he'll never know his "other" grandpa. Perhaps it'll never really affect Trevor cuz he'll never know any different. perhaps he is better off not knowing a man like this - someone who could walk away and refuse to utter more than Hi to his grandson. You would think at a time of mourning a life lost it would make you grab hold of your family. It does for me.

I only hope that "he" is sitting at home kicking himself for not knowing my precious, smart, loving and joyful son! Cause by God, he is the one missing out -- my son is so lucky to have the people in his life that love him and care about him. Maybe one day we can add the "other family" to that list....but I'm not holding my breathe!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Kitchen Re-model

So I have been talking about doing this remodel for over 3 years now!!! I think we are slowly getting it done. Not at all like I would like it to be done. My dream - we gather all materials together and bust it out in a weekend! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

So it all started 4 years ago when my mom's neighbor was remodeling their kitchen and had cabinets and a dishwasher they needed to get rid of. We jumped on it! Well there they sat in our storage shed - as a baby was on the way and many other household tasks came! Finally 4 years later - we have begun the process.

We moved the fridge to begin with over to the other side so that we could create an L-shaped counter top system. After much debate and measuring I was afraid I was going to have to spend almost $600 on cabinets so that we could have all the cabinets and pantry space we needed. Instead we will create a corner pantry system and NOT have to buy cabinets!!! YAY!!! That means no trying to match cabinet doors, or painting cabinets to match or spending $$ we didn't really have!

However, with each task comes a slight sna-fu!!! The fridge meant redoing the water line on that side. Moving the gas stove over one wall - requires trying to figure out how to cut the countertop to accomodate an awfully placed gas pipe! I can only imagine waht the electrical work will bring when we remove the wall this weekend! Thank goodness we have friends with knowledge or work experience in almost every facet this remodel will cover!

So here's to a speedy remodel, minimal costs and a beautiful finish! I'll keep you posted --- but feel free to stop by and help out!!! Especially come painting time! ;)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Job = New Opportunity

So..... some of you may have already known but I am going to be starting a new job soon! I had been with the same place for over 5 years and had gone from being a TA to teacher to Site manager (of 2 locations) to site specialist at one location. Out of our 5 locations - I worked at all 5!!! I worked with phenomenal, headstrong, empowering women and teachers and some great families and kids! But with years of longevity behind me, some expereiences I'd rather forget, I thought it was time to do something else.

I activley searched for a new job. I wanted to teach but nothing seemed to open up for me that felt right. Then this came along and I jumped! I even interviewed to be a licensing rep and was bummed I did not get that opportunity, but I think this is what God intended.

I will be a Child Development Specialist for Workforce - Child Care SErvices (a nonprofit agency). In other words, I will train others, visit schools (daycare/preschool/childcare), help them become certified with our accreditation and assist schools in becoming providers of CCS (subsidized child care). I will be working with another phenonmenal group of ladies (many of whom I already know very personally). I am excited and nervous as this was a major decision that affects more than just me, my current job, and family.

It isn't more money or better hours. I don't get my summer off any more and holidays will be those govt ones the rest of the normal people get. So yes - I will miss all those things. But I was thinking about me and my personal and professional needs. It is a big jump but I am so thankful for the support of my family and friends and especially my awesome boss!!! I cannot explain how much this gal means to me. She is inspirational and empowering! She is head strong and so stubborn! She is compassionate and an advocate!!! I can only hope that I can be that for someone else one day!

I will miss by babies terribly and all of my staff and families. So thank goodness for social networking - right!?!?! My way to keep in touch! I truly hope that people understand that this decision was not made in haste... it was mulled over, cried over and debated for weeks!

So here's to it! I can finally talk about it and celebrate it! Much love to all of you for your thoughts, well wishes and support!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Let it Snow!

Can't believe it! For the 2nd year in a row Austin received snow. And enough snow that you could play in it! I got the call at 5 am that school was closed for a rare Texas Snow Day!

Needless to say that Trevor was super excited! He even remembers last year's snow and tells us all about how we played in it and had a snowball fight at his school! What a brain this lil man has!

So we bundled ourselves up - 3 layers of warmth - and headed outside. Our whole driveway was solid snow and so was the back driveway - so Trevor got to be the first to walk in it! It's like Footprints in the sand, but SNOW!!! Since we rarely experience this type of weather - Trevor trucked out in his rain boots!

After some initial walking around - snow angels and such; we all jumped on the 3 wheeler to see the rest of the neighborhood. It was so nice to see snow covered lawns all around.

After warming up for a bit - we headed back out to play some baseball and ended up having snow ball fights and throwing snow on each other! Some snowballs made us sad when they hit our face and others made us laugh. But mostly it was priceless fun with family! Trevor loved it all - especially making snow angels and throwing snowballs at us. "Momma please make me a snowball so I can throw it at you!" Daddy even got him to taste snow. At first he thought it was too cold; next thing we know he's scooped up a huge chunk and eating it!!!

Let it Snow, Let It Snow, Let it Snow!!!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

renew or not?

So I have been thinking a lot about a talk I had with my hubby about 7 years ago. I am torn as to whether we should follow through with it or not - so let me know what you think.....

over 14 years ago I met Justin. He was everything a parent disliked in a boyfriend for their daughter; long hair, no formal education or diploma, a construction job and party lifestyle. He drove a red trans-am and is 4 years older. But get this - he loves me unconditionally and is an honest, hardworking, compassionate soul. So 4 years later he asked me to marry him on the very day I graduated from College. He knew that my education meant a lot to me and that finishing college was a huge goal for me and my family. So I said Yes! (well I guess so eh?!) 1 and a half years later we married - June 8, 2002. We had done a "timeshare" trip in 2000 and had purchased a timeshare in Florida - we used that to trade in on a honeymoon trip to Cabo San Lucas!!! We fell in love with it! (hence our purchase of a second timeshare at Playa Grande!) We've been back almost every year since, but on that second year we talked about renewing our vows at year 10 of marraige. We promised to "lose weight" and have a simple wedding on the beach year 2012.

Well that's a short year and half away! And if we want family and friends to join us I think we should decide this soon! So that's where you come in.....

What do you think? Are destination weddings worth it? Does anyone actually come to them? What will I need to be aware of?

If you're willing to come help us celebrate - start planning now.... June 3 - 9, 2012