Every year I countdown or list up our favorite family moments of the year, so why would this year be any different. I suppose it would have helped me if I had blogged a little more but I failed miserably at multi-tasking all the things I wish I had time to do as usual. hehe
So here we have it, the Hill Family 2016 Year in Review: (in no particular order as I don't feel like ranking them or even thinking of them in chronological fashion!)
Trevor shot his first deer! After weeks and weeks of practice, frustration, patience, crying, and waiting Trevor finally was able to snag a nice buck out at Justin's work ranch with a crossbow. He was so proud and I love that the boys got to spend a little one on one bonding time with each other. Trevor said he got a little "buck fever" after the shot, and a little queasy watching Justin clean it, but he had fun tracking and finding his buck after a clean shot thru the shoulder. Now to cook it up and enjoy!
We did a huge road trip for our summer vacation! I littered Facebook with our daily adventures and check ins as we traveled down to Big Bend over to Carlsbad Caverns across to the White Sand Dunes up to the Grand Canyon and landed in Vegas! We hit every national park imaginable and even pit stopped in Sedona for some Slide Rock fun! Most of our nights were spent camping in the parks/forests and then enjoyed a few nights of hotel stays here and there. Grandma Gail let us use her timeshare in Vegas for some grownup fun! Trevor had a blast becoming a Junior Park Ranger and we all learned so much about the areas we traveled in!
Trevor turned 9! (I turned 38 and Justin turned 42!) Trevor celebrated the best with a party at a local trampoline place as we "ROARED" his way into the last year of single digits!! We also headed to Tyler Texas for a little indoor waterpark fun! His favorite things this year seem to be legos, Jurassic World, weird youtube videos, swimming and flag football! 4th grade is turning out to be a little more challenging academically for Trevor but we're making it! He loves his teachers and still enjoys going to school each day!
Speaking of Flag football! We tried this out (along with Parkour) this year instead of doing Fall baseball. He really enjoyed it and became the star QB! His arm and accuracy is pretty good! It was a local league so he got to see some friends from school. However, fall was still warm for us and that astroturfed field got HOT fast!!! Parkour is at a local gymnastics place and he learns about core strength, climbing things appropriately and dismounting safely. Think American Ninja Warrior and that's pretty much what they do and learn - in the safety of a gym! He's loving it and I see his confidence in himself growing so much!
I changed jobs!!! After 5 years 8 months and 22 days of being with Workforce Solutions I decided to embark on a new chapter in child care and quality. No one really knew what I did before, so to make it even better, no one will really know what I do now! I could sit here and explain it all to you but in the end you'll just nod your head and think "whatever all that was" and I'll just reiterate that I work for the STATE! If you really desire to know my title - Child Care Quality Initiatives Policy Program Specialist! Sounds fancy! I like it so far and cannot wait to watch how this position grows into assisting in implementing quality child care across Texas! Justin still has his job!!! I jest --- but really he's still with his boss and overseeing the ranch in Spicewood daily. We are always thankful that the work is there and provides Justin some flexibility and independence! I think he celebrated 6 years this year!
We had family move! Well kind of.... hehe. Technically Justin's grandparents moved late 2015, but it made for a special 2016! So much more time to visit and hang with Grandma Gail and Jim! And this summer my parents announced that they will be moving back to the Austin area (San Marcos) and are currently building their "final home!" Though Dad may be taking a job in New Orleans! He'll be "commuting" of course!
Pinterest Parties are now my thing!! I had 2 this year (one in Spring and one in Fall) and I think they were a pretty good hit! I need a bigger home so I can host them myself but for now I use whatever I can get! We make things we see on Pinterest and eat from recipes we see on Pinterest and talk about whatever we want because we are kid and hubby free! Looking forward to hosting one in late Spring again!
We added and are adding to the family! RJ was adopted via Austin Pets Alive just the day after Trevor's birthday celebration! He had been a sick pup (parvo stricken) and was surrendered just weeks before we got him. We fell in love immediately and he's been a fun addition to the Hill clan! He loves to chew so it's been a bit of a struggle in training but he really is a smart cookie! As for adding to --- well "not technically" for 2016 -- but we found out this year! Macee will be having TWINS! After a few years of trying we finally get to add more cousins to the group! Cruz Allen and Harper Layke will join us around March 2017! We were honored with the task of creating the reveal for everyone! Craig shot at 2 boxes full of colored chalk powder to show the genders of the twins. The memory or it all will be a story to tell forever! Now to plan baby showers and their arrival!
Baseball you ask? Why yes we did Spring ball and even a little bit of All-Stars! All Stars was definitely a learning experience for us all but such fun! We weren't winners very often but the experience of it made us realize that we may not be cut out for All Star seasons!!! So hot! So busy! and So much time! But we'll see how Spring 2017 ball goes, as this will be Trevor's first experience with kid pitch! Maybe All Stars 2017 is in the future as well!
To celebrate Justin's birthday we took a little trip to Port Aransas and had some fun in the sun with my parents as well as the Hansen family! Trevor and Justin would later do the annual Surfside trip without me, as I had a work thing! Trevor mastered boogie boarding and everyone enjoyed sitting oceanside and relaxing with people we love! I celebrated my birthday with a Beyonce concert! I think concerts will become my thing now ;) (Garth was last year!)
So I guess that's our year! Uneventful in drama so that's always nice. I can only hope that 2017 is as nice to us! We hope that you had a fabulous 2016, full of just as many memories, smiles, laughs and fun as we did! We're thankful to those of you who participated in parts of our year! We hope to see you all MORE in 2017!! Love and Peace
blog of one mother's tales of life being a first time mom but also an early childhood educator and all that life encompasses!
Friday, December 30, 2016
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Letters to My Son .... #onelove
To my son -
Since your birth in 2007 there have been over 10 mass shootings in the United States alone. Shootings where innocents lost their lives because someone could not handle their emotions/had mental issues; could not agree with life choices; or could not be tolerant of views that did not mimic their own. They lost their lives because someone chose hatred over love; hatred over tolerance; hatred over acceptance; they simply chose hatred! Perhaps because they were scared; had been hurt/bullied; didn't have the mental capability or was taught that way. No matter the case, I write this letter to you now, because of the recent events in Orlando. Because I want you to know, remember, and be taught that we celebrate uniqueness, individuality and acceptance of others who may not believe as we believe, love how we love or look as we look.
I hope that I've instilled that in you. That you are unique and loved. That everyone deserves the respect of having their own opinion and values even if they are radically different than ours. That with this respect of others' beliefs, values, religion, sexual preference, looks, etc comes a responsibility to ensure it's done peacefully. That you NEVER have permission to physically hurt someone (and I'm not talking about self-defense) just because you're angry, don't agree or don't like what they did, said, or look like. That you have the power to choose LOVE; to choose RESPECT (even if others don't return it); to choose LIFE.
These recent events have rocked me to the core, wondering what kind of world you may grow up in. How much should I shelter you? How much should you be exposed to? I think back to when I was a child your age and the biggest thing we worried about in school was an earthquake or hurricane (which would likely never happen in my Houston school) but that's what we "prepared" for. Now you practice "lock down drills" for just these types of situations - mass shootings. I have training at work specific to "armed assailants/attacks." We now live in a world where we potentially fear going to church, the movies, a club, a restaurant .... I never wanted that for you.
Read about these incidents; hopefully there aren't many more after them and see how cities came together, how people came together; how we stood united that this act was unjust. If you ever feel that much hate to someone I hope you seek guidance from a confidant; a counselor; a parent; a friend. That you know that violence is NEVER the answer to getting a message across. That you embrace each person as a unique, God made and loved individual. It doesn't mean you have agree with everything; be best friends with everyone, but only be accepting that it's their life to live how they want - just as yours is. No one is better or greater or more valued than another. We are all God's creations and he loves us all.
Be a beacon of love; of light; of hope! Spread kindness; Pimp joy! Most of all remember "Do unto others as you would have done unto you."
I love you - for you; all of you!
Since your birth in 2007 there have been over 10 mass shootings in the United States alone. Shootings where innocents lost their lives because someone could not handle their emotions/had mental issues; could not agree with life choices; or could not be tolerant of views that did not mimic their own. They lost their lives because someone chose hatred over love; hatred over tolerance; hatred over acceptance; they simply chose hatred! Perhaps because they were scared; had been hurt/bullied; didn't have the mental capability or was taught that way. No matter the case, I write this letter to you now, because of the recent events in Orlando. Because I want you to know, remember, and be taught that we celebrate uniqueness, individuality and acceptance of others who may not believe as we believe, love how we love or look as we look.
I hope that I've instilled that in you. That you are unique and loved. That everyone deserves the respect of having their own opinion and values even if they are radically different than ours. That with this respect of others' beliefs, values, religion, sexual preference, looks, etc comes a responsibility to ensure it's done peacefully. That you NEVER have permission to physically hurt someone (and I'm not talking about self-defense) just because you're angry, don't agree or don't like what they did, said, or look like. That you have the power to choose LOVE; to choose RESPECT (even if others don't return it); to choose LIFE.
These recent events have rocked me to the core, wondering what kind of world you may grow up in. How much should I shelter you? How much should you be exposed to? I think back to when I was a child your age and the biggest thing we worried about in school was an earthquake or hurricane (which would likely never happen in my Houston school) but that's what we "prepared" for. Now you practice "lock down drills" for just these types of situations - mass shootings. I have training at work specific to "armed assailants/attacks." We now live in a world where we potentially fear going to church, the movies, a club, a restaurant .... I never wanted that for you.
Read about these incidents; hopefully there aren't many more after them and see how cities came together, how people came together; how we stood united that this act was unjust. If you ever feel that much hate to someone I hope you seek guidance from a confidant; a counselor; a parent; a friend. That you know that violence is NEVER the answer to getting a message across. That you embrace each person as a unique, God made and loved individual. It doesn't mean you have agree with everything; be best friends with everyone, but only be accepting that it's their life to live how they want - just as yours is. No one is better or greater or more valued than another. We are all God's creations and he loves us all.
Be a beacon of love; of light; of hope! Spread kindness; Pimp joy! Most of all remember "Do unto others as you would have done unto you."
I love you - for you; all of you!
How I traumatized my child
Funny yet serious story that happened last night. I don't mean to make light of this subject or what happened but parts are funny and other parts serious. I want to remember this and for Trevor to look back on it too, so I'm penning it down here to do so!
Long story so bare with me - we had just left Chilis off 620/183 after a ball game. Justin had driven separately to meet us at the game because it was right after work and I picked up T from camp. Any ways - we were on our way home and T really likes to "beat dad home" but J had made the first light out without us and I assumed we would never catch up. BUT we did (only after watching an insane driver weave, speed and use the shoulder as a lane to pass people he wanted but I digress.) So once I said "hey that's Dad ahead of us" T was ready to pass him. fast forward 2 miles down the road we are nose to nose driving (not crazy or super fast so calm down my gasping friends!) when he edges me out because a truck pulled into my lane. T wants me to go around this guy and I'm like "that's not safe, we'd cut him off and that's not ok." So we come to terms with being in second for the last leg of our journey (a 2 lane road so no bypassing the camaro in my CRV) Which T asks why I couldn't go faster ---- I explain that the camaro is lower profiled (can hug turns and not flip over like the CRV); that it has a V8 and we are a 4 cylinder, plus that Daddy just likes to go fast! He says "yep he always goes over the speed limit!" Which I return with "I'm sure it's not that much over." We talk about how fast cars CAN go and how fast they should go. I stated that Daddy has always had a "fast car" (or hot rod as T calls them) and always liked going a bit fast. T asks if J went fast when he was little (aka 16) and I said "oh probably, he was a bit of a bad little boy (re: to an earlier discussion we had on the way home about T spotting graffiti and I said bad little boys probably did it). T asked what else J did to which I answered "well Daddy thought he was a grown up and was very disrespectful and made some bad choices and Papa got upset and kicked him out of the house." T gasped and said "he did?!" I said yes; next thing I hear is T doing this weird Laugh/Cry sound and says "That's sooooo sad." I say "what?" He says "That's soooooooo sad." I say "yes but I didn't tell you to make you sad. I was just telling a story. don't be sad. Daddy's ok it didn't hurt him." Then I can't tell if he's really crying or laughing or both. So I ask if he's serious. He states "look at me. look at my eyes. I'm not kidding." To which I glance back and see tears STREAMING; puffy eyes and heartbreak on his face. I again try to reassure him that Daddy was ok; he just didn't make good choices and Papa didn't like it. Then I apologized for traumatizing him. He says "Why did you have to tell me that? Why did you traumatize me?" At this point I'm at a loss -- PARENT FAIL is going off in my head like an alarm!!! RUN DIVERT DISTRACT is being screamed by the little mom on my shoulder! I don't know what to do ....... we still have about .5 miles in the car to go.
then he asks (mind you in a very hurting, sobbing voice) "Did he do drugs!?" SHIT -- don't answer that ,DO NOT answer that Lindsay -- the little shoulder mom screams!!!!!!!! I reply "Um you have to talk to your father about that." I jump out of the car......crap what just happened?!?! I think to myself. Did I share too much too young?!?! He opens his door exclaims "Did he smoke?" I again say "you just have to talk to daddy about those things. You know we'd never do that to you. Daddy wasn't little when it all happened he was big; 18 big. That only happens if you're really disrespectful and make bad choices." (CRAP my mouth went there again -- as though a little reminder of "listen to mommy and daddy or else" would help in this case?!?!?!?!!?) I'm regretting all my words. I'm literally running into the house to prepare J for what might come. Worried that we have a full on melt down coming.
T walks in the house - still visibly upset; tells me to tell J what happened (which is rare - usually he likes for these things to be secret from J) to which I do. I can hear T in his room (getting undressed for the shower) saying to himself "Why she traumatize me?" or "Oh I'm traumatized" or something and him "coaxing" himself to calm down. He eventually does after the shower and NOTHING else is said about it as we laid and snuggled before we put him to bed.
So -- did I share too much too soon?!?! possibly!!!! I really didn't think it was going to impact him that way. It could have been the long week and his tiredness in full effect as well? who knows? All I know is it sounds like it's going to be HEART BREAKING to my child if he finds out that we were not perfect little children growing up!!! o.O We've had the talk that we all make mistakes; we learn from them and help others to not make them as well --- but this may take the cake of our "hero status" to my little guy.
I truly hope I didn't traumatize him (hoping his dramatic flair was just in full effect) as it was never my intention. At times I thought he was being silly about it but once I saw his face I knew he meant business. So as you see funny but serious. Taking on the time old parenting issue of "when do you tell your kids about your mistakes/stupid adolescence!?"
AGAIN: please note our driving was within 10mph of the speed limit; there was no reckless driving (unlike the guy I witnessed on 360) or true "racing" of cars!! Just a little Mind racing!
Thanks for listening to me rant.... hope I didn't "traumatize" you as well!!! :)
Long story so bare with me - we had just left Chilis off 620/183 after a ball game. Justin had driven separately to meet us at the game because it was right after work and I picked up T from camp. Any ways - we were on our way home and T really likes to "beat dad home" but J had made the first light out without us and I assumed we would never catch up. BUT we did (only after watching an insane driver weave, speed and use the shoulder as a lane to pass people he wanted but I digress.) So once I said "hey that's Dad ahead of us" T was ready to pass him. fast forward 2 miles down the road we are nose to nose driving (not crazy or super fast so calm down my gasping friends!) when he edges me out because a truck pulled into my lane. T wants me to go around this guy and I'm like "that's not safe, we'd cut him off and that's not ok." So we come to terms with being in second for the last leg of our journey (a 2 lane road so no bypassing the camaro in my CRV) Which T asks why I couldn't go faster ---- I explain that the camaro is lower profiled (can hug turns and not flip over like the CRV); that it has a V8 and we are a 4 cylinder, plus that Daddy just likes to go fast! He says "yep he always goes over the speed limit!" Which I return with "I'm sure it's not that much over." We talk about how fast cars CAN go and how fast they should go. I stated that Daddy has always had a "fast car" (or hot rod as T calls them) and always liked going a bit fast. T asks if J went fast when he was little (aka 16) and I said "oh probably, he was a bit of a bad little boy (re: to an earlier discussion we had on the way home about T spotting graffiti and I said bad little boys probably did it). T asked what else J did to which I answered "well Daddy thought he was a grown up and was very disrespectful and made some bad choices and Papa got upset and kicked him out of the house." T gasped and said "he did?!" I said yes; next thing I hear is T doing this weird Laugh/Cry sound and says "That's sooooo sad." I say "what?" He says "That's soooooooo sad." I say "yes but I didn't tell you to make you sad. I was just telling a story. don't be sad. Daddy's ok it didn't hurt him." Then I can't tell if he's really crying or laughing or both. So I ask if he's serious. He states "look at me. look at my eyes. I'm not kidding." To which I glance back and see tears STREAMING; puffy eyes and heartbreak on his face. I again try to reassure him that Daddy was ok; he just didn't make good choices and Papa didn't like it. Then I apologized for traumatizing him. He says "Why did you have to tell me that? Why did you traumatize me?" At this point I'm at a loss -- PARENT FAIL is going off in my head like an alarm!!! RUN DIVERT DISTRACT is being screamed by the little mom on my shoulder! I don't know what to do ....... we still have about .5 miles in the car to go.
then he asks (mind you in a very hurting, sobbing voice) "Did he do drugs!?" SHIT -- don't answer that ,DO NOT answer that Lindsay -- the little shoulder mom screams!!!!!!!! I reply "Um you have to talk to your father about that." I jump out of the car......crap what just happened?!?! I think to myself. Did I share too much too young?!?! He opens his door exclaims "Did he smoke?" I again say "you just have to talk to daddy about those things. You know we'd never do that to you. Daddy wasn't little when it all happened he was big; 18 big. That only happens if you're really disrespectful and make bad choices." (CRAP my mouth went there again -- as though a little reminder of "listen to mommy and daddy or else" would help in this case?!?!?!?!!?) I'm regretting all my words. I'm literally running into the house to prepare J for what might come. Worried that we have a full on melt down coming.
T walks in the house - still visibly upset; tells me to tell J what happened (which is rare - usually he likes for these things to be secret from J) to which I do. I can hear T in his room (getting undressed for the shower) saying to himself "Why she traumatize me?" or "Oh I'm traumatized" or something and him "coaxing" himself to calm down. He eventually does after the shower and NOTHING else is said about it as we laid and snuggled before we put him to bed.
So -- did I share too much too soon?!?! possibly!!!! I really didn't think it was going to impact him that way. It could have been the long week and his tiredness in full effect as well? who knows? All I know is it sounds like it's going to be HEART BREAKING to my child if he finds out that we were not perfect little children growing up!!! o.O We've had the talk that we all make mistakes; we learn from them and help others to not make them as well --- but this may take the cake of our "hero status" to my little guy.
I truly hope I didn't traumatize him (hoping his dramatic flair was just in full effect) as it was never my intention. At times I thought he was being silly about it but once I saw his face I knew he meant business. So as you see funny but serious. Taking on the time old parenting issue of "when do you tell your kids about your mistakes/stupid adolescence!?"
AGAIN: please note our driving was within 10mph of the speed limit; there was no reckless driving (unlike the guy I witnessed on 360) or true "racing" of cars!! Just a little Mind racing!
Thanks for listening to me rant.... hope I didn't "traumatize" you as well!!! :)
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Updates Galore
Some quick updates:
Trevor is doing well in 3rd grade. It's been a trying year with remembering things, not rushing through our work and focusing on things but he's on target and still loves going to school. He's requested to continue at BCE so I think we'll finish out elementary school there (instead of transferring to our home school.)
We're deep into Spring ball - Pinto A's team. Justin is the PA (aka assistant coach) and this has also been a trying season. Games are here and there in terms of consistency in playing as a team, but as for Trevor he's doing well. We're going to try All-Stars this summer to see if baseball is 'his thing.' Pray for us -- I hear it's daily practices and tournaments weekly!!
Janice has been watching Trevor after school each day so he gets to ride the bus home! I'm glad that it worked out so we could save a little money and help the MIL out as well. Plus T gets to spend time with her.
For summer Trevor will attend a school near work a few weeks, be with my parents a few weeks and have some vacation time. We're heading on a road trip this year instead of Cabo so we can see some US sites! We'll hit Big Bend, Grand Canyon, Carlsbad Caverns, Sedona, Vegas and the Hoover Dam! I'm already exhausted planning it but I hope it's fun for all. A little camping (glamping!) and some road trip games should make it memorable!
Work is going -- We're both content and that's fine! I was able to pay off all my debt and we're focused on getting J there as well. Even talking about buying some property (investment or to build on one day.) Photography is good - kind of plateaued but that's ok with me. I kind of have my weekends back and I like that!
We're just counting down the days of school and tip vacation. It's going by so fast some days I just can't keep up with all that is going on!
Blessings and Love -
The Hills
Trevor is doing well in 3rd grade. It's been a trying year with remembering things, not rushing through our work and focusing on things but he's on target and still loves going to school. He's requested to continue at BCE so I think we'll finish out elementary school there (instead of transferring to our home school.)
We're deep into Spring ball - Pinto A's team. Justin is the PA (aka assistant coach) and this has also been a trying season. Games are here and there in terms of consistency in playing as a team, but as for Trevor he's doing well. We're going to try All-Stars this summer to see if baseball is 'his thing.' Pray for us -- I hear it's daily practices and tournaments weekly!!
Janice has been watching Trevor after school each day so he gets to ride the bus home! I'm glad that it worked out so we could save a little money and help the MIL out as well. Plus T gets to spend time with her.
For summer Trevor will attend a school near work a few weeks, be with my parents a few weeks and have some vacation time. We're heading on a road trip this year instead of Cabo so we can see some US sites! We'll hit Big Bend, Grand Canyon, Carlsbad Caverns, Sedona, Vegas and the Hoover Dam! I'm already exhausted planning it but I hope it's fun for all. A little camping (glamping!) and some road trip games should make it memorable!
Work is going -- We're both content and that's fine! I was able to pay off all my debt and we're focused on getting J there as well. Even talking about buying some property (investment or to build on one day.) Photography is good - kind of plateaued but that's ok with me. I kind of have my weekends back and I like that!
We're just counting down the days of school and tip vacation. It's going by so fast some days I just can't keep up with all that is going on!
Blessings and Love -
The Hills
Bueller.....Bueller...... I've been MIA
So it occurred to me the other day that I haven't posted in awhile. Not sure why - I mean I could chalk it up to a bunch of excuses but mostly it's just because I haven't made myself sit down and write something.
I used to write a lot - by hand. Yes I had a journal (or a diary) and some tell the stories of a misunderstood, confused youth and young lady; ramblings of a tired mom and wife; and of course secrets into the mystery that is me.
I remember how much of a release it was for me to write -- to just jot down every emotion in my head, in my heart. Not care if I spelled a word right or wrong; or if my sentences were grammatically correct (obviously I still don't care! ha) It would just flow -- sometimes so fast I couldn't make my hand keep up with my thoughts. I used to write poetry; love poems; heart ache poems; poems about the tribulations of love and loss. I used to read --- A LOT. But now I just don't have the time. Well, I don't MAKE the time.
Today I was talking to a peer about dancing -- dancing used to be my life. It was my release along with writing. I don't seem to do either any more. So many things that once I became a mom I just couldn't find time for. I'm not blaming my child; I certainly blame me. Priorities just changed - shifted. I find myself dancing in the car with T instead of in my room with the music blaring. I write these little blogs (when I can) to preserve memories for T and so he can know me.
Lately, I've just been trying to find that passion again - that drive. The stuff that made or makes me ME. The things that make ME happy and fulfilled. Maybe other moms feel this way too. That you've lost yourself somewhere in motherhood and being a spouse and working a full time job (or 2!) Maybe I'm just the only one who hasn't figured it all out. Maybe no one else wants to admit that.
They aren't kidding when people say "mid-life crisis." At some point I think we all hit a moment in our life when we stand in front of the preverbal mirror and say "who am I?" I feel like I know who I am -- but somewhere along the last few months especially, I feel like I've lost that sense. I've realized I don't do a lot of the things that used to bring me such joy, such release, such comfort. Maybe I have replaced them with other things? Maybe I just locked them away and need to remember where I put that key (probably next to that other thing I can never find!)
Perhaps, this is my own way of telling myself "Lindsay MAKE the time." So that's my message to all of you who aren't MAKING the time; who have been, like me, "too busy" or denying that you haven't lost yourself. Make the time -- even if it's just for 15 minutes on a Wednesday night, while your kiddo is at baseball practice and the house is actually quiet. :)
I used to write a lot - by hand. Yes I had a journal (or a diary) and some tell the stories of a misunderstood, confused youth and young lady; ramblings of a tired mom and wife; and of course secrets into the mystery that is me.
I remember how much of a release it was for me to write -- to just jot down every emotion in my head, in my heart. Not care if I spelled a word right or wrong; or if my sentences were grammatically correct (obviously I still don't care! ha) It would just flow -- sometimes so fast I couldn't make my hand keep up with my thoughts. I used to write poetry; love poems; heart ache poems; poems about the tribulations of love and loss. I used to read --- A LOT. But now I just don't have the time. Well, I don't MAKE the time.
Today I was talking to a peer about dancing -- dancing used to be my life. It was my release along with writing. I don't seem to do either any more. So many things that once I became a mom I just couldn't find time for. I'm not blaming my child; I certainly blame me. Priorities just changed - shifted. I find myself dancing in the car with T instead of in my room with the music blaring. I write these little blogs (when I can) to preserve memories for T and so he can know me.
Lately, I've just been trying to find that passion again - that drive. The stuff that made or makes me ME. The things that make ME happy and fulfilled. Maybe other moms feel this way too. That you've lost yourself somewhere in motherhood and being a spouse and working a full time job (or 2!) Maybe I'm just the only one who hasn't figured it all out. Maybe no one else wants to admit that.
They aren't kidding when people say "mid-life crisis." At some point I think we all hit a moment in our life when we stand in front of the preverbal mirror and say "who am I?" I feel like I know who I am -- but somewhere along the last few months especially, I feel like I've lost that sense. I've realized I don't do a lot of the things that used to bring me such joy, such release, such comfort. Maybe I have replaced them with other things? Maybe I just locked them away and need to remember where I put that key (probably next to that other thing I can never find!)
Perhaps, this is my own way of telling myself "Lindsay MAKE the time." So that's my message to all of you who aren't MAKING the time; who have been, like me, "too busy" or denying that you haven't lost yourself. Make the time -- even if it's just for 15 minutes on a Wednesday night, while your kiddo is at baseball practice and the house is actually quiet. :)
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Hello 2016.... Goodbye 2015
So every year I try to sum up the events that lead to our most memorable moments, and this year will be no exception. 2015 brought a lot of fun and laughter, but also some tears and tribulations. Definitely moments that I hope are forever cherished. Little moments and Big moments.
There's no way I can announce them all but here's a little preview of what 2015 had in store for the Hill family! (tried to do chronological order)
January: I started a "Better Me 2015" effort. For the most part I did change how I eat and what I eat! I wish I could say that I lost weight but I think I had some grandiose plans for change and my multi-tasking did not go as well as I thought I could! I am hoping with some "financial weight" lifted I can truly focus on this physical weight!
February: My sisters and I put together a "surprise" 60th birthday party for my mom! I think we did a bang up job and we joked about creating a business! But seriously let's maybe do that! Mom had a great time and we sang the night away with karaoke!
March: Spring Baseball as an A. We had a lot of fun at OHYSA Spring Season Ball as we played our second season of Coach pitch. Coach Steven and Daddy led us to many victories and Momma got to sit in the stands and do a lot of cheering (and photography!)
April: Trevor prepared all year for First Communion. Early May he completed this spiritual journey with many family members watching! God Bless Trevor! I was a catechist again and continued to grow as well in my spiritual relationship with God.
May: We decided to hit up Florida this year for our family trip and drove all the way to Orlando for some Disney, Seaworld and Universal Studio fun; stopping in Fort Walton, FL and New Orleans LA. It was a long drive but so glad to get opportunities like this to bond and make memories with my little family.
June: Was a good month but it also gave us a few reminders of how precious life is and how we need to cherish each moment! We lost 2 members of the Wyatt family (Marvin and Linda), plus my dear friend's hubby started his battle against brain cancer with radiation treatments. Sometimes life hiccups and forces you to pause and reflect on the things that really matter! We are so blessed to have family and friends we love so dear in our lives and try so hard to never take those moments for granted.
July: Trevor turned 8 this year and we celebrated at the neighborhood park with a few family and friends. Pokemon was the main theme of fun this year for Trevor so of course it was our theme for partying! He also lost his first tooth! If you're familiar with his condition we thought this wouldn't happen for a few more years! So he was super excited to have his first tooth loose! :)
August: Third Grade here he comes! Trevor continued at Barton Creek Elementary in third grade with Mrs. Georgakis! A rough start but he's doing well and just loves reading and learning! :)
September: I celebrated my 37th birthday by treating myself to Garth Brooks tickets in Dallas, TX. I was so blessed to have 3 of my closest friends come with me to share in the fun! #bucketlistitem
October: We did our "third" trip to the beach with the Harr/Hutson and Griffin families! It was nice to get away and catch up with my bestie! Can't wait to do it again this year! We had smores, made sand castles and swam in perfect weather! Truly a blessed memory of fun and friends!
November: Lindsay became DEBT FREE!!!! This might not make sense to some, but Justin and I have separate finances in regards to our credit. It's not that we don't share these but he has his bills and I have mine. After 4 years of trying I finally made it a reality! I paid my last credit card bill on November 27th! Now to work on Justin. (We also applied for a home loan and that's a whole separate story, for another time, but one we're hoping it has news in 2016!)
December: We continued our 25 days of holiday experiences this year (as we did last year) and repeated some of our favorite things. We try to focus on events that remind us of the reason for the season..... Main Street Bethlehem in Burnet, Zilker Tree and Trail of Lights, family nights, church services and giving to others. Mostly we are so happy to have Justin's Grandparents closer this season! Gail and Jim have traded their California home for a Texas one and we couldn't be happier!
So 2015 was pretty kind! We both still like our jobs, my photography biz skyrocketed, and we're still kickin! For those of you that had a part in our 2015 THANKS! We hope it was memorable for you as well! For 2016 our biggest goal is to stay on a good financial path, make more memories with those with love and continue to be happy with the choices/path we follow!
CHEERS!! Happy 2016 everyone!
There's no way I can announce them all but here's a little preview of what 2015 had in store for the Hill family! (tried to do chronological order)
January: I started a "Better Me 2015" effort. For the most part I did change how I eat and what I eat! I wish I could say that I lost weight but I think I had some grandiose plans for change and my multi-tasking did not go as well as I thought I could! I am hoping with some "financial weight" lifted I can truly focus on this physical weight!
February: My sisters and I put together a "surprise" 60th birthday party for my mom! I think we did a bang up job and we joked about creating a business! But seriously let's maybe do that! Mom had a great time and we sang the night away with karaoke!
March: Spring Baseball as an A. We had a lot of fun at OHYSA Spring Season Ball as we played our second season of Coach pitch. Coach Steven and Daddy led us to many victories and Momma got to sit in the stands and do a lot of cheering (and photography!)
April: Trevor prepared all year for First Communion. Early May he completed this spiritual journey with many family members watching! God Bless Trevor! I was a catechist again and continued to grow as well in my spiritual relationship with God.
May: We decided to hit up Florida this year for our family trip and drove all the way to Orlando for some Disney, Seaworld and Universal Studio fun; stopping in Fort Walton, FL and New Orleans LA. It was a long drive but so glad to get opportunities like this to bond and make memories with my little family.
June: Was a good month but it also gave us a few reminders of how precious life is and how we need to cherish each moment! We lost 2 members of the Wyatt family (Marvin and Linda), plus my dear friend's hubby started his battle against brain cancer with radiation treatments. Sometimes life hiccups and forces you to pause and reflect on the things that really matter! We are so blessed to have family and friends we love so dear in our lives and try so hard to never take those moments for granted.
July: Trevor turned 8 this year and we celebrated at the neighborhood park with a few family and friends. Pokemon was the main theme of fun this year for Trevor so of course it was our theme for partying! He also lost his first tooth! If you're familiar with his condition we thought this wouldn't happen for a few more years! So he was super excited to have his first tooth loose! :)
August: Third Grade here he comes! Trevor continued at Barton Creek Elementary in third grade with Mrs. Georgakis! A rough start but he's doing well and just loves reading and learning! :)
September: I celebrated my 37th birthday by treating myself to Garth Brooks tickets in Dallas, TX. I was so blessed to have 3 of my closest friends come with me to share in the fun! #bucketlistitem
October: We did our "third" trip to the beach with the Harr/Hutson and Griffin families! It was nice to get away and catch up with my bestie! Can't wait to do it again this year! We had smores, made sand castles and swam in perfect weather! Truly a blessed memory of fun and friends!
November: Lindsay became DEBT FREE!!!! This might not make sense to some, but Justin and I have separate finances in regards to our credit. It's not that we don't share these but he has his bills and I have mine. After 4 years of trying I finally made it a reality! I paid my last credit card bill on November 27th! Now to work on Justin. (We also applied for a home loan and that's a whole separate story, for another time, but one we're hoping it has news in 2016!)
December: We continued our 25 days of holiday experiences this year (as we did last year) and repeated some of our favorite things. We try to focus on events that remind us of the reason for the season..... Main Street Bethlehem in Burnet, Zilker Tree and Trail of Lights, family nights, church services and giving to others. Mostly we are so happy to have Justin's Grandparents closer this season! Gail and Jim have traded their California home for a Texas one and we couldn't be happier!
So 2015 was pretty kind! We both still like our jobs, my photography biz skyrocketed, and we're still kickin! For those of you that had a part in our 2015 THANKS! We hope it was memorable for you as well! For 2016 our biggest goal is to stay on a good financial path, make more memories with those with love and continue to be happy with the choices/path we follow!
CHEERS!! Happy 2016 everyone!