So every year I try to sum up the events that lead to our most memorable moments, and this year will be no exception. 2015 brought a lot of fun and laughter, but also some tears and tribulations. Definitely moments that I hope are forever cherished. Little moments and Big moments.
There's no way I can announce them all but here's a little preview of what 2015 had in store for the Hill family! (tried to do chronological order)
January: I started a "Better Me 2015" effort. For the most part I did change how I eat and what I eat! I wish I could say that I lost weight but I think I had some grandiose plans for change and my multi-tasking did not go as well as I thought I could! I am hoping with some "financial weight" lifted I can truly focus on this physical weight!
February: My sisters and I put together a "surprise" 60th birthday party for my mom! I think we did a bang up job and we joked about creating a business! But seriously let's maybe do that! Mom had a great time and we sang the night away with karaoke!
March: Spring Baseball as an A. We had a lot of fun at OHYSA Spring Season Ball as we played our second season of Coach pitch. Coach Steven and Daddy led us to many victories and Momma got to sit in the stands and do a lot of cheering (and photography!)
April: Trevor prepared all year for First Communion. Early May he completed this spiritual journey with many family members watching! God Bless Trevor! I was a catechist again and continued to grow as well in my spiritual relationship with God.
May: We decided to hit up Florida this year for our family trip and drove all the way to Orlando for some Disney, Seaworld and Universal Studio fun; stopping in Fort Walton, FL and New Orleans LA. It was a long drive but so glad to get opportunities like this to bond and make memories with my little family.
June: Was a good month but it also gave us a few reminders of how precious life is and how we need to cherish each moment! We lost 2 members of the Wyatt family (Marvin and Linda), plus my dear friend's hubby started his battle against brain cancer with radiation treatments. Sometimes life hiccups and forces you to pause and reflect on the things that really matter! We are so blessed to have family and friends we love so dear in our lives and try so hard to never take those moments for granted.
July: Trevor turned 8 this year and we celebrated at the neighborhood park with a few family and friends. Pokemon was the main theme of fun this year for Trevor so of course it was our theme for partying! He also lost his first tooth! If you're familiar with his condition we thought this wouldn't happen for a few more years! So he was super excited to have his first tooth loose! :)
August: Third Grade here he comes! Trevor continued at Barton Creek Elementary in third grade with Mrs. Georgakis! A rough start but he's doing well and just loves reading and learning! :)
September: I celebrated my 37th birthday by treating myself to Garth Brooks tickets in Dallas, TX. I was so blessed to have 3 of my closest friends come with me to share in the fun! #bucketlistitem
October: We did our "third" trip to the beach with the Harr/Hutson and Griffin families! It was nice to get away and catch up with my bestie! Can't wait to do it again this year! We had smores, made sand castles and swam in perfect weather! Truly a blessed memory of fun and friends!
November: Lindsay became DEBT FREE!!!! This might not make sense to some, but Justin and I have separate finances in regards to our credit. It's not that we don't share these but he has his bills and I have mine. After 4 years of trying I finally made it a reality! I paid my last credit card bill on November 27th! Now to work on Justin. (We also applied for a home loan and that's a whole separate story, for another time, but one we're hoping it has news in 2016!)
December: We continued our 25 days of holiday experiences this year (as we did last year) and repeated some of our favorite things. We try to focus on events that remind us of the reason for the season..... Main Street Bethlehem in Burnet, Zilker Tree and Trail of Lights, family nights, church services and giving to others. Mostly we are so happy to have Justin's Grandparents closer this season! Gail and Jim have traded their California home for a Texas one and we couldn't be happier!
So 2015 was pretty kind! We both still like our jobs, my photography biz skyrocketed, and we're still kickin! For those of you that had a part in our 2015 THANKS! We hope it was memorable for you as well! For 2016 our biggest goal is to stay on a good financial path, make more memories with those with love and continue to be happy with the choices/path we follow!
CHEERS!! Happy 2016 everyone!
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