The day is arriving..... countdown begins. In 7 short days my baby boy will be a Preschool Graduate. (wipe the tear from the cheek)
Many people may think - what's the big's not like Kindergarten or High school.... but to a working mommy this is a HUGE milestone. Not only will I be getting an enormous pay raise (hahahha - minimal child care expenses!) but I will be losing a dear "family".
A dear friend always tells me "Close friends NEVER leave your heart." Well the phenomenal ladies that have taught, loved, hugged, supervised, giggled, tickled, played with and cherished my son are just that.... Close friends. Like family! I hope these ladies never leave my heart or my son's. For 4 1/2 years Trevor has entered the CDC building with a joy and love for learning and being there. For 4 of those years I called that place my home too. His first teachers were a blessing in disguise. I remember walking in one day with very little sleep, scattered to get to work on time, guilty and embarrassed that Trevor was still in his pjs and apologizing for just needing to go. When the teacher touched my arm and said "don't worry, it's alright" I broke down into tears.... not just from the exhaustion of having a 7 month old and working full time, but because in my heart I knew "it was alright." He was at a place just as close to being home.
That next year I got to be at his school watching him grow and learn. What a pleasure and blessing that was each day. Again I LOVED his teachers... their kindness and warmth melted away any guilt a working mom like me had. When he turned 2 he got a teacher I "picked" -- I mean how lucky was I to have gotten to interview and "choose" my child's teacher!!!! lol She was a gem..... she's a dear friend to this day and I LOVE her enthusiasm, smile and playfulness she brought to Trevor's life. IT was a rough year that year for his teachers but Trevor never showed an ounce of doubt, fear or anxiety.... I think because he's had such a good base. Age 3 he got an awesome duo..... full of learning and creative fun! The BEST dramatic play centers ever in that classroom.... from the "beach" to a castle to full on tools/workbench and so much more! Trevor never asked to NOT go to school!
This past year I didn't get to be a part of the "family" -- I had embarked on a new job adventure and though I was loving it I did miss having that connection to Trevor and the school. Trevor still didn't skip a beat. He jumped right into the class and had another exciting, fun filled year. His teachers again, phenomenal! I could see days where he soaked up their wit, modeling of manners and teaching!
Though his year won't end in the traditional "dog and pony show" of graduation ceremonies; there were no cap and gowns ordered; no little performances to cry and video tape.....we are still feeling the bitter-sweetness of it all. In 7 short days I will enter the CDC for the last time as a parent. I will say good morning and have a good day for the last time to my son (and my) second family. I sign in and sign up for lunch no more. I will become a "past parent." Trevor will be at the "big school." In short I will be saying goodbye to strong, inspiring, loving teachers, friends and "family"..... tearing up just even writing this!! I'm gonna be a basket case next Friday!!! lol
So thanks... for all the memories, the art projects, the boo-boo reports, the emails, the laughs, the tears, the hugs, the smiles, the reassuring glances and mostly the undying LOVE you gave my child (and me!) I will never forget you and I will do everything in my power to remind Trevor where and who he got his roots of learning from........
Saturday June 2 we will celebrate this milestone with dear family and friends and hopefully some of these wonderful ladies! Pics to come! <3
Awwww! You made ME cry! Beautifully written dear. If only all teachers received the love, recognition, and appreciation that you have expressed. Trevor is a lucky kiddo to have you and all of those amazing teachers guiding his path. :)