Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Letters to my son.........

I want to start a monthly (maybe more recent) "Letter to Trevor" ritual.   I actually "pinned" an idea like this about writing in a journal at each birthday as a form of keepsake letters for your child.  So after hearing this song I felt compelled to actually do it -- write certain thoughts, wishes and dreams down for my baby boy.

Dear Trevor,
I may be your mommy and be a little partial to how cute, wonderful, amazing and special I think you are, but I really hope you see the beauty that I see.  The words of this song say it all when describing the inner beauty a soul possesses. Listen sweetly, contently and fully my sweet boy :
"Oh, you know, I'd never ask you to change
If perfect's what you're searching for then just stay the same
So, don't even bother asking if you look ok
You know I'll say
When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing, just the way you are
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while
Because boy (girl) you're amazing, just the way you are
The way you are, the way you are
Boy (Girl) you're amazing, just the way you are"

There are going to be people who make fun of you, who shun you, who try to push you down.  People who will laugh and stare; those who will turn away from you; hurt you; and try to hold you to a standard not for you.  There will be those who try to get you to do things you THINK are not ok; things that ARE NOT ok; pressuring you to be in the "in crowd."  People who will not understand, call you names and will only see your weaknesses.  These people do not matter in this crazy life, but at times they will possibly sadden you, shame you, guilt you, hurt you, and defeat you...... I hope you don't let it define you.

You are AMAZING just the way you are!  I wish I could protect you from all of those people.  I wish I could say "never let it bother you" and have it be that magic wand that makes everything better.  I wish I could rid the world of people who only see outer beauty as who a person is...... but I cannot.  I can only hope to instill a confidence in you to look the other way; to see the inner beauty in others; morals to withstand the pressures of the world and your friends; and the strength and faith to speak out against injustice and wrong doing.

You are AMAZING just the way you are!  Even at 5 you are a bright personality of love and laughter.  You care deeply and are a friend to many.  Your passion about animals and learning is inspiring.  I love all of your freckles and tried to name them, but soon there became too many! (You are like your Daddy there -- he was a freckled nose little boy too!)  When you smile I smile; when you laugh I laugh (and you LOVE to laugh); when you love and protect my heart grows bigger.  When you cry I hurt; when you're hurt I cry.  You are creative, bossy and a born leader!  Your imagination is wild yet tame.  You hate when I touch your cute little feet and love for me to scratch your back.  (Mommy likes that too and can remember doing that with your Gigi!)  Your spirit is sweet yet full of fire! Most of all your heart is bigger than imaginable! I love you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!!!!

Only you can truly DEFINE you ..... but if you ever need a sweet reminder listen to that song or just come give momma a hug!

Always and Forever -- Momma

1 comment:

  1. I cried! Just lovely, Linds. I LOVE LOVE the pic with the 'stache....he is such a CUTIE PIE!! <3
