Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My son's new love......

"A date is when you go out with somebody and kiss a girl."

That phrase was just told to me by my 4 year old.  Where did he learn this?  He claims Daddy taught him, but I don't know.

He has had a growing infatuation for girls in their swimsuits since before I can remember.  I think he was like 18 months old when he discovered Ashlee Tisdale inside a health magazine.  She was in her bikini talking about being in shape.  He turned to the page, stopped and smiled.  Every time we would close the book - he would open it back up to the page she was on.  I knew then that I had a little monster on my hands.

Well his "love" has grown to any fetching lady in their skiivies.  He constantly points them out at the checkout lanes when he sees a magazine.  He gets a bit bashful and says "Look momma.  Pretty girl."  

2 years later - he is obsessed I think!  Can a 4 year old already be sexual?  I guess Freud would say YES!!  But WOW! Months ago - he visited my sister's place - who has an OBSESSION with Brooke Burke.  He got out all her magazines and calendars and searched for the pictures he liked best.  Then months later he asked to see them again during a recent visit.  Just last month I caught Trevor sitting at the calendar stand staring at the Sports Illustrated Calendar.  I giggled, pointed it out to the Hubs, and asked Trevor what was he looking it?  He got "embarrassed" and was like "nothing!"  So I knew I would buy him the calendar.

I mentioned getting it for him and some people giggled, some seemed I shouldn't condone this behavior.  Should I?

I mean it's totally natural for boys to be interested in girls.  But IS this too young?  I don't want him to feel ashamed of his natural urges.  We already discuss his body parts with correct vernacular and that no one should touch them but him.  We discuss momma's body parts and that he shouldn't touch those areas, because they are my areas.  I want to be able to openly talk about "sexual" topics so that he understands and feels comfortable.  He knows that babies are made by Mommies and Daddies and grow inside Mommies tummies.  He knows that he grew in Mommy's tummy and her tummy was cut so they could take him out to be born.  I change in front of him and use the restroom in front of him......we even talk about some things being Private.

Is this wrong? I think soon I won't do many of those things in front of him, but I hope to continually be honest.  We giggle at times to his references of kissing, dating and girlfriends.  He doesn't like when mommy and daddy kiss or when he sees kissing on the tv.  Have I exposed him to too much too soon!??!
I just keep telling the hubby that he needs to always stress how to treat a woman with respect and kindness! I don't want my boy breaking girls hearts - well intentionally!


  1. I think you are absolutely doing the right thing. Having an open line of communication opens the door to allowing him to feel comfortable in coming to you when he does have a question about "stuff"
    You're such a good mommy, and not everyone is going to agree with things all the time (as we do not agree with others parenting styles) but they are just that STYLES!! <3
