Last night the HarperStrong team walked in the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Light the Night Walk and boy did we represent. With a walking team of over 60 people and raising over $20,000 Harper was proudly honored!
As I walked to the stage to be introduced as the person representing all the supporters in the crowd (aka Red lanterns) I became flooded by emotions. It reminded of the day I graduated college as I remember having some what of the same feeling. My eyes welled up with tears, my body felt weak and my heart literally felt as though it would burst. Not from being scared, but from being so PROUD. I don't even know if it was self pride, for either of these moments, but just pride in what had been accomplished. It was the overwhelming feeling of energy in the place. Like I could feel ever emotion that was happening. The grief and celebration of life in remembering those lives lost. The hope and faith in honoring those fighting the battle. The love and strength of those supporting others who endure the journey with the fighter. It all rushed over me; through me. I literally was bursting with pride for everyone! Not just my team for coming together and raising so much money for needed research and support or the fact that we were #1 or 60 deep with our banner carried by our smallest supporters or even that I as team captain got to be recognized on stage for all of these things. It was pride to be there for Harper! To honor her with such accolade and power.
Every time someone said 'thank you for all you do', I had to remind them it wasn't me, but YOU. The team raised the funds. The team reached out and spread Harper's word across the country. The team came tonight to walk in the cold and wind. I just facilitated some coordination. YOU did the "dirty work." I THANK YOU!
I know where my love for Harper stems. I've loved her the moment I knew she was going to be here; even more the moment I saw my sister's face as the gender was revealed; even more when I held her in my arms the day after she was born; and if it's even possible EVEN more the day she was diagnosed. For you all to love her is amazing..... to know she is loved by you is uplifting. It's what got me through the doubts and fears those first few weeks of her diagnosis. YOU all came in so fast with that love, sending prayer after prayer, good thoughts and well wishes, physical hugs and support, day after day!
I created HarperStrong2017 to honor Harper forever but also because it was how I knew I could physically give back. I felt helpless and I knew that I needed to channel my fear and my need to help somewhere. You all responded in joining me; reading the Caring Bridge, joining our Facebook group, purchasing Harper gear, giving blood, donating meals, joining our Light the Night team, shopping our Kendra Gives Back and raising money in Harper's honor!
Perhaps that was one of the emotions washing over me last night -- STRENGTH. The feeling of knowing I can make a difference -- WE MADE A DIFFERENCE!
Thank you for that. I know that may not have been your intent; you said "I just wanted to help." You did - not just for Harper or honoring her journey and battle, but for me as well. There are no true words to describe the gratitude one feels when you witness the impact of what I thought would be "just organizing a group to raise awareness and money" would have on me. I know that my family feels the same way. We cannot say THANK YOU enough..... to forever know that we will not journey this alone made the difference.
Though this moment of raising funds and being an official team has come to an end, I know that our team remains just as "powerful." Again, Thank you for supporting us in all the ways you have, whether you meant to or knew you where even making such an impact, you did.
Way to go #harperstrong2017 team! We truly lit the night with love, joy and so much pride! Now who's ready to start thinking about next year?!!?