We celebrated this year a bit smaller in party size and at my sister's new house with her pool. Trevor still very much loves Ocean Animals.....and has found a new cartoon on Disney called Octonauts. It seems a bit "young" for him but his passion for learning about animals is ignited with this show as he can learn all about sea creatures. This was the theme he chose and se we went with it.
Of course I consulted Pinterest for food and decor ideas. It is my go to place for creativity! ;) We served some lite munchies and drinks while everyone relaxed pool side (or pool in!) He had a cute group of friends join him and I think all in all he had a great Birthday!!! Some of his fav gifts -- Pokemon cars, Razor scooter, games for his DS/Wii, writing tablet and a dolphin!!! That's right his cousins made a donation to WWF in his name and a dolphin was named for him! It was so cute watching his face as he read it, then the next day asking when his dolphin would be there!!
For his actual birthday (party was on the 12th this year) we tried to do some mom/son things but we both just weren't up to it --- so we rented movies and games and chilled at home. I made spaghetti and we had blue cupcakes for dessert! He is truly a loved little boy! Nona and Matt ate dinner with us, Papa visited that morning and he got phone call after phone call from his other family members!
Trevor, We are so proud of the little man you are becoming! Your love for animals is so passionate and sweet. We hope you continue to have many birthdays filled with fun and laughter. Love Momma and Dad