1) I ended 2012 with the engagement of Sarah. Who knew this would bring some great experiences for our family as well as another engagement! Macee got engaged a few months later and her wedding is one of highlights of the year as well..... This was the start of celebrations for 2013 - as we had shower after shower honoring engagements, weddings and babies ( for my friends! )

3) Tball continues..... For the Spring Ball season we were lucky and got on Coach Julie's team again - the Rangers! Trevor loved ball and slowly has been improving his skills. I volunteered as the Dugout Mom and spent each game rallying the team in the dugout making sure that kids were ready to go and cheering their team on! Fall ball gave way to the Bats team! Again with Coach Julie; again Dugout Mom. Fall ball was a bit rough as the floods in South Austin ruined the ball fields and made the final few weeks of the season a bit uneasy. Trevor has really become a great second baseman and made a few outs! We have one more Tball season till he moves into Coaches pitch. We will most likely be the Rangers again and can't wait to see our old friends!
4) Our Annual (most times) trip to Cabo happened this year. Trevor was now old enough to swim with the dolphins so we made sure to put that on the adventures itinerary - a long with some of our other favorites! We met many fellow Texans and enjoyed laying poolside for the majority of our trip! We are always welcoming any other family/couple to join us as we tend to always have an extra week/room that can be used. Let us know if you want to "tag a long" for 2014!!! We start planning pretty early!
6) Road Trip to Colorado --- not just for fun, but for a wedding! Macee and Craig wed in Avon, CO (just outside Vail) in August. So since we had already flown to Cabo a month or so earlier, we opted for a road trip this time. So we drove all the way to CO to help Macee celebrate! It was a nice drive and Trevor did very well! He might say his favorite parts were staying in the hotels along the way, but I think he enjoyed it all! We toured Vail and hit a few of the hot spots along the way! The wedding was gorgeous, the food was scrumptious and the memories will last a lifetime!
7) Summer ends and School begins.... We concluded the Summer with our other annual trip to Surfside, TX. I was sick for this trip but Trevor still had a blast! He loves catching sand crabs and swimming in the ocean with the big boys! Then we took Trevor back to school -- First GRADE!!!! What? Where did the time go? He loves school still so I am so thankful for that. He has a FAB teacher and he really likes her ;) We have been able to make a few friends these past 2 years and I am thankful for all the wonderful moms/kids that we have gotten to know!
8) VEGAS BABY!!!! Yep I went to Vegas! It was a bit nerve wracking but I did it! It was so much fun really and so not "me." I enjoyed helping Sarah celebrate her upcoming nuptials with all her girls and my Aunt. We got to find out the Trish was preggers at the beginning of the trip so it was def full of surprises! I think Sarah really enjoyed herself which is really what mattered --- but hey I had fun too!!! lol
9) Sarah gets married too! You just saw all those beautiful photos of Sarah and Nick's wedding atop the Zilker Clubhouse! What a view and what a wedding! The chill and wind were not as welcomed as the family and friends were but it all worked out! Sarah looked gorgeous and I mustered up the courage to toast both my sisters!
10) Photography still going strong...... I have really been opening up my experiences with photogrpahy as I shot my first wedding, offered Holiday minis and practiced on some newborns! I still have a lot to learn but I am excited to see what experiences 2014 will bring. It def offered the opporutnity to really accomplish a lot of what happened this year (trip to Vegas, showers for friends and family, and extra spending money.) I am so proud of where I have come and thank all of you who have supported me in this journey!
So 2013 you were full of events and moments! I cannot wait to see what 2014 brings!!! I hope it brings good health, prosperity and more incredible memories - for us and mostly for YOU! Happy New Year!