Monday, October 28, 2013

Let's play catch up

Ok let's rewind a bit and play a bit of catch up..... I last left off with Macee's wedding in Colorado!  We have been just as busy since....

Surfside TX - an ANNUAL trip for us now.  Trevor has gotten braver and more accustomed to the ocean each year. He loves to boogey board, catch sand crabs and just swim!  This year we crabbed abit and caught  a few sizable crabs - though we didn't keep them.  He truly loves his "Uncle" Tom and Miss Judy, plus Josh helps him keep up with all the new cartoons.  I unfortunately spent most of the weekend sick, laying in bed -- but it was nice to relax.

First day of 1st Grade -- say what?!?! My baby is a First Grader?!?!? I know it's shocking..... wasn't he just in Kinder or heck, born!!! lol  But life moves forward at too quick of a pace and he in fact is in First Grade!  He loves his Teacher, Mrs. Ward (I think there's a slight crush going on) and has some old friends in his class.  We started off a little rough - had an incident the first week, then lost 2 library books; but I think we've finally evened out.  He loves Math and has grown to write and read pretty well.  We just had Parent Teacher Conferences and I left smiling ;)  so you know that's a good thing!  He's right on track and doing well!

Go, go, go, Bats, Bats, Bats! -- Fall ball is going well.  Trevor is a Bat this year and we were lucky to have Coach Julie again (even though her boys have aged out!)  We have some new and familiar faces on the team and Trevor is getting more confident at hitting and catching the ball. Even made an out at his last game playing 2 nd baseman.  His face lit up so bright. I said "You like how that felt?" He nodded his head and I told him to "Do it again!" Well he almost did!!!! Sadly, the fields Trevor plays on got damaged by the massive rain we got, so we've had to find alternate places to play to continue the season.  We are excited to see how the improvements and clean up goes and have fingers crossed that Spring season will be a go!  If you can help out, visit for information.

Dear God, --- Sunday school is new for both Trevor and I.  He attends and I teach.  We've only been twice so far, but he likes it.  He was so cute the other day as we left he said "I like going to church school...."  Of course his answer was because of do-nuts but still.... I sat in mass the other day for the first time in years, so that was a bit weird, but something about it was so much like "home."  It was a good discussion too as Father talked a lot about being our children's first teachers - especially in faith!  I really want Trevor to have a relationship with his faith.  We've just started this journey but what a special one it is.

So that's been what's up with munchkin..... for me - I've been swamped but good swamped!  Between taking photos (which has brought me some unique experiences) work and Trevor's baseball, plus I've been hosting showers here and there..... it's kept me super busy!  I am so excited to say that my dearest friend had a beautiful baby girl on October 21 and my other dearest friend got engaged October 11!!  Then October 31 I leave for Vegas to celebrate Sarah's Bachelorette!!!  Whoossh and it won't stop there -- got more photo shoots, 3 baby showers and Sarah's wedding 12/14/13.  I think I'm going to officially take a break from life on Jan 1, 2014.....who wants to join me??!