This is number 1 on the list of things to tell my child! I will have done 3 of the 30 at the end of this..... so be sure to check out 10 people who influenced me and 5 Passions I Have in the previous posts.
20. I am terrified of snakes, dentist and tornadoes.
19. I tend to have VIVID dreams, especially of floating in the air or going to the bathroom (lol - I have never peed my bed though!)
18. I only recently (last 5 years) started eating Avocado and now I am OBSESSED!
17. I can pick out the smallest raw onion sliver in a piece of food.
16. I danced ballet, tap and/or jazz for over 10 years and was in a local "troupe" for a year. I took en pointe for one year and still have my shoes!
15. I want to one day "back pack" thru Europe and RV across America!
14. I close my eyes during horror or bone breaking parts of a movie - but secretly peek as well.
13. I have NEVER been and probably never will be fashion trendy.
12. I have only had 3 boyfriends and one became my hubby! ;)
11. I started Kindergarten when I was 4 years old and college at 17.
10. I have a weird sensory thing about lotions on my hands (well anything greasy on my hands).
9. My ears, cheeks, neck --- everywhere --- turns red when I am nervous, anxious or tipsy!
8. I have a tender nose....therefore I hate overwhelming smells, especially lotions, candles or perfumes!
7. I HAVE to wear sunglasses all the time outside and use the sunvisor at night to drive -- glare!
6. I was in Colorguard for 3 years in high school and was a co-assistant captain! It was the most fun I had in HS.
5. I still talk to my best friend from Elementary school! (Hi Leslie!!!)
4. I am originally from Houston, TX.
3. I collect spoons from place I have visited and places my family/friends have gone.
2. I have a sick obsession with reality TV - including Teen Mom/Kardashians/SYTCD/DWTS/AI and MORE!!!!
1. I used to want to be a home architect and I still get giddy visiting model homes or home being built/renovated.