Where do I even begin....
My Parents and Sisters- From them I am who I am. My Dad instilled a deep value of education, respect and honor. I have gained a whole different culture from him and cherish that. My Mom has always done everything for her children. She was the home room mom, the cake baking mom and carpooling mom. She was and is a great mother. I hope I can be all this for my son too! My sisters are in a way so very different from me..... I love them with all my heart and try to always "set the example" (being the oldest!) Sometimes I falter but I think they are ok with that! They each have a dynamic personality that I admire!
My Hubby - He is my polar opposite and it works for us! He has opened my eyes and heart to things I never would have experienced. He loves me for me - no matter my size. His impatience and stubbornness has strengthened mine and he has always supported me in any venture I choose. He is truly my other half.
Mrs. Hupp (and other fabulous teachers) - She was my Kindergarten teacher and I believe is why I love school, teaching and kids. I think because I had such a fabulous kinder year with her is why I wanted to be a teacher for others. Her warm smile is still a vivid memory in my head!
My Best Friend (Angela) - My mom used to think she wasn't the best influence on me, but she really was a great one! Yes we got into trouble in our teen years together, but her strength and passion is what I admire about her. When I think I'm not strong enough I think about her and all she has done as a single mother and I don't feel weak. She has this way of lifting me up even when she isn't around! And though months may go by where we don't speak, you'd never know it when we finally get together!
My Grandma - She was a strong, independent and vocal woman! She was my rock when I felt alone. I miss her greatly but her spirit still influences me to know I am never alone. She grew up in such a large family and I think that influenced how I viewed family and how I cherish it (summer family reunions, being together at holidays, etc....) I miss her each day!
Amanda - I only meet her 7 years ago, but she has shaped me a lot in those 7 years. Her passion for early education and children with special needs re-ignited my love for teaching. Her spunk, vocal mind and love for life gave me laughs and experiences I would have never have experienced. Her belief in me and my abilities has always inspired me to do more and seek better for young children. I cannot wait to see her as a mom! She is going to be fantastic!
My girls - You know who you are! They are my sounding board, my shoulder, my friends! Each one has touched me in some way, shape or form and that's why they continue to be a part of my life each day. They each have their own strength, passion and/or quality that I admire and learn from. Every person needs true friends - those you've grown up with or perhaps just met a few years ago! They help you laugh, de-stress and understand what you're going thru without saying more than a word!
Old Bosses - If I am honest enough with myself I can admit that these ladies have influenced me and my life. They showed me who I didn't want to be as a leader, but also made me stronger in my leadership, pushing me to do more. They helped me realize that I cannot please everyone, but only do what I know is my best. It was hard to interact with them at times and this helped me in dealing with my fear of confrontation.
Kathy -- she is my soul sista! She has brought out so much in me and influenced me in ways I cannot describe. Her passion and zest for life and love is awe-inspiring! I love her positivity and I truly think I became more of an opportunist view thinker because of her. She grabs life and people with open arms and has never met a stranger! Though sometimes I know life is hard for her -- she still puts on a smile and charges forward.
My son -- wow has he influenced me. He has shown me sides I didn't know I had in me. He has brought a love that one can never accurately describe. Each day he makes me laugh, smile and cry (a good kind!) because he is such a beautiful person inside and out. I hope that I can help shape him into the best person he can be..... and right now he's pretty darn awesome!!!
Thank you to each of these people for helping shape, mold, guide and influence me, my outlook and my passions.