Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Things about me --- for my child

so I have a new thing I want to try (again another "steal" from someone's blog I read!) - along with my photos quotes (which kind of fell off the map), the Letters to my Son, and just regular blogging!

The idea is 30 things in 30 days for your children to one day read, but that ain't going to happen like that. So let's just try to do the 30 in the year!!! lol  So what should I start with?!?!?!?
1.  List 20 random facts about yourself.
2. Describe 3 fears you have and explain how they became fears.
 3. Describe your relationship with your spouse.
4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
6. If you could have three wishes, what would you wish for?
7. What is your dream job, and why?
8. What are 5 passions you have?
9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
10. Describe your most embarrassing moment.
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
12. Describe a typical day in your current life.
13. What’s the hardest part of growing up?
14. Describe 5 and weaknesses strengths you have.
15. Describe when you knew your spouse was the one or how I fell in love.
16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?
18. What do you think your spouse loves most about you?
19. How did you feel the moment you became a parent?
20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
21. Describe your relationship with your parents.
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
23. What’s your favorite holiday and why?
24. What’s your favorite and least favorite thing about parenthood?
25. If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?
26. What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?
27. What is your favorite part of your body and why?
28. What’s your favorite quality in your spouse?
29. What are your hopes and dreams for your prosperity?
30. List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for.

#8 5 Passions I have........
Well my first passion is children.  It always has been and always will be.  From a young age I knew I wanted to be a teacher - in fact Kindergarten was the start.  I had the BEST teacher, Mrs. Hupp.  I can vividly remember my first day of school and her warm nature and sweet smile as she presented me with my apple name tag.  From then on I knew one day I wanted to be that for other children.  I babysat at the age of like 12 for a neighbor and it went from there.  My dad gave me some flack for a few years about getting a "real teaching job" but in my heart I knew what I was doing mattered and made my heart fill with joy.  I wish that for anyone in their life -- do what gives you joy!
2) Photography -- As long as I can remember I had a camera in my hand. I remember having those "flash card" things on top of my camera.  You got like 5 flashes out of them.  I thought I was so cool.  I would go through film like crazy and was stubborn to finally give into the "digital world."  There was always something about capturing moments in photos.  I've always been nostalgic - not quite sure why , but I love things with history and meaning.  So I think that's why I gravitate to a beautiful photo.....it tells a story.   I love OLD photographs!  I didn't really nurture my love until recently when a friend brought it out in me.
#3 passion --- Dance.  I love to dance. I love music.  There's something about expressing yourself through movement.  When I was younger I did ballet and jazz and tap.  I loved ballet the best.... the softness to it and the elegance.  I even got to pointe and felt like such a ballerina.  I had body issues so I didn't follow that passion as much as I wish I had - but I never quit dancing.  I remember just turning up the music and creating my own dance routines - just expressing the passion, love, angst, sorrow and happiness I was feeling at any given moment.  Though I don't move as well as I did then I still dance -- as everyone should.  Dance like no one is watching -- I sure do!
Fourth passion is Music....... Music soothes the soul.  I used to lay in my room as a teenager with my favorite songs in the CD player (or even record or tape player --- sad my kid will never know these things!) and just lay on my floor in the dark as I closed my eyes and listened to the words sung.  I used to write down lyrics for their poetic words as I felt they would describe the feelings I had inside.  I joined choir for one year and loved it but felt I was more of a shower singer!! lol  I still love to sing and all types of music.  Seriously my CD collection has anything from Bach to George Strait to Pantera to Lynyrd Skynyrd to Madonna to Usher to Beastie Boys to Soundtracks (and everything in between!)  I grew up listening to pop and "Woodstock" tunes!  Probably even some Disco!  I hope to infuse that same love of music to my son!
My last passion is writing!  I used to journal ALL the time.  I hate looking back on them but it's nice to have all that written down for recall!!!   There were many a nights where journaling probably saved my sanity.  It was like my own shrink! lol  I even wrote poetry at one time.  I rarely share that stuff - but one time I did with a friend who wrote music.  I might hear one of my "songs" on the radio one day!!! ;)  not really -- but writing can really soothe a soul sometimes.  I'm glad I can blog now.  I don't share everything I "blog" with you guys -- so I guess one day when I'm long gone -- someone will have to crack my code and see what other thoughts and ramblings I had in here!!! lol

Can I have a 6th one?!?!   My kid!  Trevor is my everything.  He was perfectly planned.  Yes that's right I planned him -- big shocker eh!??! lol  He is my biggest accomplishment and greatest joy!  He is the passion in my life - what I live, breathe and die for!  But really what he is is family -- that's a passion too!  I love family, family moments, family traditions, etc.  I think that's why I want to share so much with him.

What are your PASSIONS??!?!!?

Friday, April 12, 2013

Our Famous Local Model

For the month of April we have a little "star" in our house!  Trevor was chosen to be the cover model for a local FREE magazine in Austin. 

Everyone was so proud and excited to see our little man on a cover of a magazine found in a store!  How did we do it?  Well it started with a little contest the magazine offered last Fall.  I submitted the photo (seen on the cover) and hoped for the best.  The deadline came and went and we heard nothing.  So I assumed we didn't win and never gave it another thought.  Well February I got a call from the Editor saying how much she just loved his photo and though he didn't win he was a runner up and really wanted to make him a cover model.  Of course I said SURE!!!!

We did a photo shoot with the photographer and Trevor was great!!! Unfortunately the colors we had on didn't go with the cover, so a re-shoot was requested.  Well at that re-shoot Trevor was exhausted from a day of baseball and traveling, plus a shoot looking into the sun - not the best choice for a 5 year old!  Needless to say, those pics just didn't turn out well.  So the editor just put my picture on the cover!!!

Talk about a DOUBLE YAY!!!!!!  So be sure to stop by a local HEB, Whole Foods or Central Market to get your April issue of Austin Family Magazine.  They are also found at most OB, pediatric and dentist offices.  We of course grabbed a stack of them and Trevor has already been "autographing" numerous of the them.  You can also see him on Fox News each Friday for the month of April at 8:45 am!

Who knows....maybe this is the start of something more.  But if it's not -- we're fine with our "15 minutes of fame!"

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Letters to My Son

As I sat at the Dentist office the other day - 'patiently' (hahahaha) awaiting my cleaning, I was seated next to a mother/son.  As I tried to keep my mind off my 'impending doom' I overheard their conversation (well bits and pieces - because at some points they spoke another language.... I think they knew I was listening!)  It made me think about the years to come with my son........ as I heard them argue about him ( he looked about 15) seeing 2 movies in one day, who would be there, what was the mother's first name of his friend, what was the movie called (he insisted it was PG13 after some thought) .....etc.....etc......etc..... I heard her tell him "You know I don't like that!" and "You know that's not the kind of thing we do."  He would reply with some remark, eye roll and or sigh.  It made me think back to those conversations I had with my mother and of course the ones I am sure to have in the future with my son.... so maybe to help him understand one day - where I'm coming from - here's a letter to my son:

Dear Pre-Teen/ Teenage Son,
There will come a day when you'll want to do things that I won't let you. (heck that day is already here -- but I'm talking big things; Social things)  I'll give the time old "because I said so" reason and you'll roll your eyes, mutter under your breathe and think "you just dont understand."  But please know that I do!

Maybe it won't be the same because I was a girl and you're a boy; or because my parents were 'more strict', or just because things/life and this world aren't the same as it was in the 80's/90's when I was growing up...... but I hope you know one thing...... I will always make decisions that I think are the best for you.  Decisions that will hopefully keep you the 'safest' possible.  Decisions that when I was your age I probably said, felt and did the same things you are right now.

There's no real way to make you understand why or feel the way a parent feels.  I mean I thought I knew as a child/teenager that my parents were probably right  about a lot of things -- I'm not saying I agreed with eveything my parents said and decided in regards to my upbringing but I think I was a petty 'good kid.'  (My parents may disagree.....but let's all be honest - I wasn't perfect but heck I was pretty good compared to what could have been happening in teen land!)  I knew right from wrong and 95% of the time chose right.  I was scared shitless that my parents would find out even the small things I did.... and I'm not fessin up now! lol  My pesonality was that of 'perfection.'  If I didn't think that my paents would appove I probably wouldn't do it.  I constantly seeked approval, love and proudness from my parents and teachers.  It makes me who I am today.  I tell you this so you understand who I am and where I am coming from.  We can only do the best we can with what we know -- this is what I grew up to know.  I have tried in my years of adolesence/adulthood to learn more.  To be the best parent I can for you. 

We / I will make mistakes.  I will be strict, tough and mean.  I will expect you to do your best, try your hardest and succeed in what I know you are capable of.  I will push you to go further, to test your limitations, to be who you are and to respect others for who they are.  I will also LOVE you unconditionally - even when you think I am disappointed or frustrated by you.  I will support you even when you don't follow my vision of a path for you.  I will advocate and cheer for you. I will cry, smile and yell to you, about you, and with you!  I am your mother.  It is my job to protect, teach, guide, mold, and shape you to be the best individual on this planet you can be.  It is my job to sometimes tell you NO.  It is my job to say 'because I said so!"  It is my job to ensure you leave this home with morals, goals, dreams, hopes and respect for yourself, me/your dad, and others you meet. Just as my parents did for me, and probably their parents did for them.

One day you may become a parent and truly understand.  I don't say no or ask tons of questions because I "want to ruin your life"......... I do it because I LOVE YOU!!!  Each day it scares me that you are growing too fast....that I am not keeping up with teaching everything you should know..... that I will not show you enough how much I love you - each freckle, hair, bump, and twinkle in your eye. 

Though you'll feel you need to make your own choices and live your own mistakes - no mother ever wants any suffering, heartache or defeat for their child -- this is why we tell you "because I said so!"  It's our last ditch effort to protect you from all the ugly in the world.   You'd never understand the whole story at this stage in your life!  I can only hope that when we have one of those 'talks' - where I ask 20 questions just to be sure you're being safe or making a good decision - you remember that I do it to protect you, to ensure I have you in my life as long as I can.  Maybe at that moment you'll stop before you roll the eyes and just reach out and hold my hand. 

lol --- A mother can dream!!! I'm sure you'll just say "mom!!!!!!! but why?!?!?!" and we'll just circle the converstaion over and over -- just like I see most mothers do with their children at this age.  But I say it again --- I love you!!!! You are my everything! 

Love, Mom

PS - to my own parents...... thanks for setting the bar for morals and respect.  I'm sorry for any stress, heartache or worry I may have caused as a teenager.  I understand even more now where you were coming from.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Long time.... no blog

Sorry about the absence folks.... not that there are too many of you that obsess over this weekly!!! lol

We've had a lot going on so that's where I will start.....
 * Trevor is in T--Ball  We are doing Spring ball at Oak Hill League and are Rangers!  Trevor seems to like it, but not as much as I think Daddy would like.  They butt heads a lot when it comes to practicing.  2 stubborn boys do not = a calm and  happy moment!! I play referee most nights ;)  but Daddy is learning more and more how to talk to and instruct Trevor so that tears, whining and frustration do not over ride the moment.  He has been playing Pitcher, Right Field and Short Stop lately!  He even made an out one game!  He was so proud!  It's the best feeling a mom can have -- seeing her baby succeed!  We love the Coach and feel like Trevor is really getting a good foundation in baseball.  So hopefully we have a future ball player in the family!
* Photography is getting off the ground!  I have been offering some sessions to "strangers"  - lol.  In other words I have advertised  my services.  I am excited to actually be shooting my first "customers" this weekend.  I have been working on a website and debating on making this more than a hobby for me.  Right now I love just shooting here and there..... just not sure I have the confidence to make this a 'business.'  Below are a few of my shoots.....
Bridal Shoot in Manor Texas

Wedding at Mayfield Gardens

Baby Sophia
* Kindergarten is almost over..... :(  Talk about bringing a frown/tear to a momma's eye!  I can't believe that there is only 2 months left.  Trevor has been liking school a lot - which also makes a momma happy!  We've only had a few moments here and there where I thought 'oh no!'  But i guess it's typical behavior.  I just remember being so obsessed with school and being 'perfect.'  So when I hear that Trevor is having trouble, hiding his homework, or lying about a situation it kind of bothers me.  But we just try to remind him of the morals we've set forth.... honesty, respect and responsibility.  Now to figure out what kind of summer care to get for Trevor..... camp, nanny or school?!?!?!

* We have 2 weddings this year.... talk about crazy time!  Trevor will be a ringbearer at both!  What a special honor!  Macee will be getting married in Colorado, while Sarah will wed here in Austin on the Zilker Trail.  Each will be special and unique and so much fun!  Let's just hope that my sisters do not become "bridezillas!!!"

So since I haven't written in so long be forewarned that I might have a few postings in a row!!! lol