Day 6 (half way there!) -- We headed to the Tian Tan Buddha and Po Lin Monastery on a nearby island (Lantau). We had to ride 2 subways and then a 25 minute cable car (over numerous mountains!) It was a great calm ride and we got to see some men "fishing", the HK airport (which we learned was created by adding dirt to the land -- so it is man made land that it sits on!) and a hiking trail, complete with a few hikers!!! Trevor always loves to have a map so he helped "direct" us to the Buddha! It is 250 steps to the top and we all made it! Once up there the view was beautiful....one Asian family was so enamored with Trevor they requested a photo with him (and not the Buddha!!!!) Going down the steps were a bit easier (lol) and we headed to the monastery. As you enter the temples you are to bow 3 times and Trevor quickly abided. We also got free Buddhism books, so Trevor proceeded to "read" them to us in "Chinese" (well his version of Chinese!!!) The temples are always beautiful - so ornate and full of tranquility. I can't remember why incense is burned but many people bought a bundle and lit them to place in front of the temple. Trevor liked learning how the Buddha is some people's God and the book he had was stories about the Buddha, just as we read stories about God in the Bible. We all went back to the Ladies Market to do more shopping (see I told you we would return!) and got everyone souvenirs and more! Since it was my sister's Birthday this day - we ended the day with Haggen Daz ice cream as we watched the bustling city streets of people shopping and walking.

Day 7 --- Today we headed out to see where my dad grew up and went to school. Since we were staying on Nathan Road (which is a popular and main road) it was only a few blocks away where Dad had grown up. The school he attended from Kinder to 6th is still there and allowed us to come in and visit. Just down the road from there was a "tourist" shopping area.... Everything was in English so you know it's meant for tourists! lol We spent the rest of the day resting before heading over to Uncle David's again for the Mid-Autumn moon festival. The boys played a version of mah-jong (which is much like rummy just with tiles) and Trevor got some goodies from his cousins. After we ate the yummiest home cooked meal (I think there were 6 dishes!) we headed out to walk with lanterns (and glow sticks for the boys!) Tradition is that the ladies carry the lanterns and it used to be a "courting night" for the young adults! ;) We just walked around the neighborhood then headed back home! We ate moon cake and enjoyed spending time with family. Trevor's cousins really looked out for him all night. I think we'll need to be pen pals to keep up with Andis and Justin!

Day 8 - Disneyland with just Trevor and me.... We just couldn't come to HK and NOT go to Disneyland, plus once Trevor heard they had a Stitch ride (from Lilo and Stitch) we had to go! No one else wanted to tag along so it was just us. The rest of the family went to some more known markets in the area for more shopping. (if you know me this was nothing I cared about really doing! lol) We had to ride a total of 3 subways to get there. You can guess by the end of our stay in HK Trevor was pretty savvy at subways and buses! Anyways.... we immediately hit Tomorrowland and rode the Buzz ride 2 times, watched the parade and then saw Stitch. It's an interactive video type thing -- but of all the people in the crowd Trevor got picked to be talked to by Stitch. He kept saying "Trevor from TX." Trevor was shy but LOVED that Stitch talked to him! I wish I could have filmed it! It was precious :) We of course rode the small world ride, tea cups and stood in line to see Mickey! They have a Toy Story area and we rode "slinky dog" (a roller coaster!) After watching a few shows and shopping we rode the 3 subways back home to the apartment and then met up with the rest of the family to eat on Temple Street - authentic Chinese street cuisine! Yum!

Day 9 -- LAST full day in HK
We headed to Macau, an island nearby that is deemed the "Vegas" of HK. The WHOLE family went (MahMah, David and his family, plus the cousins) on a hovercraft boat. It was huge and you felt like you were in an open airplane the way it was decorated and how the seats were. But the flying over waves reminded you it was a boat!!! It was about an hour ride there. Once there we went to the downtown area to eat some yummy dim sum. This place had fresh seafood in all these tanks right up front. We got to see fresh crab be delivered and some of the biggest crab and lobster I have ever seen. On the streets of Macau we saw a lot of dried fish, fresh jerky and homemade almond cookies! The island was once largely a Portuguese colony so it has a diverse culture. Since it was October 1, it was also China Independence day -- therefore a LOT of people in and around the area! At one point I feared I had lost track of Trevor in the crowds but his cousins had him close by the whole time! We got to see a Lion dance as well as traditional Portuguese singing and dancing show. This cool wall was there from an old church ( built in like 1850) - the place had been destroyed yet only one wall stood and has stood since! AMAZING! The grown ups hit the casino at the Sands while the kiddos went to a mid-way area. My dad was the big winner in our family (lots of slots there) winning about 200 HK$ and I walked away with 34HK$. My cousin won big too! As we were coming back from Macau we got to see the fireworks from the harbor celebrating Independence day... let's just say the Chinese know how to throw a show -- as they should!! lol We walked thru a SEA of people (think NYC NYE crowd!!!) to get to a restaurant to eat and it was a GREAT meal! We finished it off with a visit to see a TMNT statue next door!!!

Day 10/11 -- We met up with David, Yuanita, Mah Mah, Yuen Ming, and Ko Chui for a last dim sum meal at a place my grandmother used to come to eat at when she was younger! It was traditional old dimsum. After that we loaded up the car and we jumped on the airport bus to meet the family at the airport. Then boarded the plane for our 14+ hour flight to Toronto. My head cold had really hit me this day and I was feeling horrid, therefore had a miserable plane ride. Once we got to the hotel in Toronto I stayed in bed all night - even skipping dinner with the family. Plus we had to be up by 5 am to get to the airport on time.
Day 12 - we arrived in Houston around 11 am and went to my mom/dad's house to drop off the girls/luggage and eat lunch. If you can believe it -- after all that traveling - I drove home to Austin that day as well!!! Needless to say I did not function much that evening - as my feet were swollen, my head was pounding and my ears would not pop! So I was just a hot mess! Trevor was feelin fine and already back in full steam at the house!
We had a great trip - some minor things flared up but all in all it was an experience I am so honored to have been given. I created a journal of all this for Trevor as well -- so that in the future he can look back and recall what a special trip he was given with his family!