So I have a gripe! Each year there are two times to really look forward to opening up your mailbox (cause any other time you just get bills!) --- that's your birthday and Christmas!
I look forward to getting those photo cards, year-end letters, and even the few hand written ones people still do! It helps me connect to those I only hear from maybe once a year; to see how big their kids have gotten; and what they've been up to all year!
To those of you who sent one! I loved it! THANK YOU!!!!! I hope you received mine! I take it very seriously and pine over which photos I include, how it looks and be sure that it's a bit different than last year's.
YES, yes ... I know that some people never send cards, but come on now! Have our lives seriously gotten that busy that we have lost the touch of physical communication. I guess I should consider the FB posts to my wall or the mass texts sent as my Holiday wishes from some of you. But I refuse!!!!!!
That's right I am stomping my feet, fists in the air, yelling I REFUSE!!!!! I am so bummed that out of the 45 cards I sent..... I recieved 10! (one doubled as a birth announcement for their child from June!) I was gone for 3 "mail days" and received none!!!!
So - where has our life taken us? As I have mentioned to Family and Friends; soon we will all be walking around - clueless of things and people around us - as we carry those i-pads and do all our communicating thru a computer. Hell I'm doing it right now and not that I am against this new age of communication - heck I talk to more relatives on FB than ever before -
but all I ask is once or twice a year (keep Hallmark/shutterfly/post office employed). Send a holiday card - especially to someone who takes time to send one to you!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Ho, Ho, Ho! Merry Tex'mas Y'all!
So here we are, just a few days before the blessed holiday of Christmas. As I scramble around to find just those perfect gifts for my last minute shopping, I read a post on facebook that reminds me of all the things I should be "worrying/focused" about and grateful for. This will be our 3rd Christmas without my Grandma, plus numerous other loved ones. This year we will have 2 celebrations of gifts as our family is split (Klay will be at his Dad's this year), but instead of focusing on all the time consuming events/tribulations of shopping, traveling back and forth, and frustrating traffic... I thank God that I am with my family, that I am helping create memories for my child that I hope he treasures forever as I have with my memories. So please take a moment in the hustle bustle of the holidays, shopping and traveling to hug on a loved one, stop and read a story with your child, be amazed by the lights and sounds around you, and cherish Christ.
Ok - enough with that..... what's Trevor been up to?
Well his love for Ninja turtles has stayed strong....enough to send us into a shopping frenzy trying to find something so that "Santa" will not disappoint. His visit to Santa was interesting as well. He was all excited until he sat on his knee; then he went limp noodle and needed coaxing by Klayton and me to even muster a look at the camera. AS you can see by the picture - I did NOT get a smile out of him! Then he panicked after we walked away that Santa did not hear what he wanted for Christmas. Luckily Klayton had passed his message along.
Trevor also got an Elf on the Shelf for the holiday season. He named his elf Thomas and has been really into it. It helps when he is having "one of those days." So I totally recommend it for any of you with youngsters! What a great tradition to start as well!
This year has been full of ups and downs....but thankfully we still have each other, good jobs, a roof over our heads and lots of family and friends love! So here's to you and yours! Happy Holidays!
Ok - enough with that..... what's Trevor been up to?
Well his love for Ninja turtles has stayed strong....enough to send us into a shopping frenzy trying to find something so that "Santa" will not disappoint. His visit to Santa was interesting as well. He was all excited until he sat on his knee; then he went limp noodle and needed coaxing by Klayton and me to even muster a look at the camera. AS you can see by the picture - I did NOT get a smile out of him! Then he panicked after we walked away that Santa did not hear what he wanted for Christmas. Luckily Klayton had passed his message along.
Trevor also got an Elf on the Shelf for the holiday season. He named his elf Thomas and has been really into it. It helps when he is having "one of those days." So I totally recommend it for any of you with youngsters! What a great tradition to start as well!
This year has been full of ups and downs....but thankfully we still have each other, good jobs, a roof over our heads and lots of family and friends love! So here's to you and yours! Happy Holidays!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Long time, no blog....
Sorry it's bee awhie since I last blogged. A lot has been going on needless to say!
Trevor is doing well in school. Totally a typical 3 year old. stubborn,witty, playful, imaginative and bossy! He writes his name now, can state facts about apples, bats, spiders, owls, and Thanksgiving; and is completely potty trained!
We spent Halloween with my parents in Houston. Trevor quickly catched on and enjoyed trick or treating. In fact the other day he wanted to "dress up again and go ask for candy!" He somehow became obsessed with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) awhile back. Obviously, this is a fad from the 80's that isn't as popular now - so we found it lucky to find a costume in his size....not much else though!
We also got a new addition to the family. One night as we took an evening walk we heard a crying from the boat we have stored in the driveway. Turns out a lone kitten was there, seemingly abandoned by his momma. We took him in and Tevor wanted to keep him. So we have - bottle feeding in all. I know, I know - why did we let a 3 year old make a huge decision!??!?! Ask my hubby! Trevor named him Hook'em mostly due to his orange in color! We are all learning a new type of patience and tolerance; some of us gentleness!!!
As we made a new addition, my parents lost one. My sister got Princess over 11 years ago. She could fit in a pocket then! Well, through the years, as many children's pets do, Princess became my parent's dog - moving with them to Houston. She was always onry, moody and snippy - but she was loved! Trevor would read to her, pick her up and tote her places and take her for walks. Just a few weeks ago - my parents chose to end her suffering (she had been losing a lot of muscle mass/weight and wasn't herself, ultimately losing control of her bowels) and she went to doggie heaven. I have had to make this choie as well in the past and know how hard it can be.
Let's see what else.... Just the in and out of the daily grind of work and school! We are excited about the holidays and seeing Trevor really get into understanding it all a bit better! I think we will invest in an Elf on the shelf! I hear it's great for behavior!!! Here's hoping you all are doing well! Next post won't be so long coming - promise!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
summer Goals
I had Summer Goals set for TRevor this summer....let's see how we did
1)potty train!!! YES accomplished that in a little less than 3 weeks
2) put clothes on/off (including some shoes) - We are about 90% with this. Shirts are still causing some trouble but we def have shorts and most shoes!
3) write letter R and V: He currently writes his name THROR
4) sleep in his bed all night!!!!! --- we have yet to accomplish this one...wanted to start school and get through potty training before we threw this one in his boat! I think this one will be the toughest for all of us! I secretly LOVE snuggling with him each night...but every inch of room in my bed helps me sleep oh so much better. It will be a bittersweet victory when it it happens.
So....any tips out there folks?!?! I am leaning towards the whole closed door approach, but hopes that i can stick out the baby whisper method!
So about 3 out of 4 wouldn't you say!? Not bad!
1)potty train!!! YES accomplished that in a little less than 3 weeks
2) put clothes on/off (including some shoes) - We are about 90% with this. Shirts are still causing some trouble but we def have shorts and most shoes!
3) write letter R and V: He currently writes his name THROR
4) sleep in his bed all night!!!!! --- we have yet to accomplish this one...wanted to start school and get through potty training before we threw this one in his boat! I think this one will be the toughest for all of us! I secretly LOVE snuggling with him each night...but every inch of room in my bed helps me sleep oh so much better. It will be a bittersweet victory when it it happens.
So....any tips out there folks?!?! I am leaning towards the whole closed door approach, but hopes that i can stick out the baby whisper method!
So about 3 out of 4 wouldn't you say!? Not bad!
So it has been a bit since my last blog effort. I was getting ery frustrated and hve been boycotting my blog. I am not able to upload the 2 videos I want to share: one of revor swimming and the othe singing. Then to add to matters I have tried numerous times t add photos to the last blog to no avail. Needless to say I am bummed with my blog.... but time has passd and I felt I needed to upate you all.
School is in full swing for both Tevor and I. He is doing well - a few potty accidents here or there and a few non-listening moments :( but other than that he amazes many and shows off to all! He loves his friends, class and teacher. He truly enjoys going to school and I just LOVE that!!! It totally makes my heart swell. Work is work for me...keeps me busy!
Justin has finally gotten some help at work - his partner had left and they had been looking to hire someone for almost 3 weeks now! Needless to say Justin had been coming home exhausted - doing much of the land clearing himself. He even worked his "tri-atholon" boss into dehydration!!!! So --- how does he repay Justin???? With a raise of course and a promotion. He will now be the crew leader and eventually have a temporary crew of 3-4! Oh yeah --- his benenfits kicked in earlier than we thought and the company pays for most of it!!! His newest crew member...his brother Matt. So he is loving his job even more now!
We have been busy here and there. Went to the opening UT game against Rice in Houston at the Reliant Stadium. Awesome!!! Trevor wasn't too into it - but he did great! Horns won of course! \m/ We've been swimming and taking lessons with Trevor's dear friend Saia as well. We also took a nice trp to Surfside with the Denton's again. Trevor loved the beach and the ocean!! Next thing...celebrate my (gulp) 32nd birthday!
Lots of pic posted on my picasaweb page. ttyl
Monday, August 16, 2010
RockStar in the making
Trevor is way into music - if you didn't already know! He can hear a song once or twice and get the beat and chorus almost immediately! He loves to dance and has perfected this bounce he does with his hand twisted out.
So when my hubby said he "went to town dancing and singing" the other night to music - we just had to get it on film. Well of course he didn't let loose as well as before (perhaps the 3 sets of eyes watching hindered him?!) But I did manage to catch a few pics!
and you know he's been hanging out with the guys too much when he tells his uncle matt that a 7up is his beer! ooooppsssss - guess we need to limit "guy time?" lol
When i figure out how to upload videos I'll be posting one of his songs (as well as a swimming one I have been working on!)
Rock on!!! \m/
So when my hubby said he "went to town dancing and singing" the other night to music - we just had to get it on film. Well of course he didn't let loose as well as before (perhaps the 3 sets of eyes watching hindered him?!) But I did manage to catch a few pics!
and you know he's been hanging out with the guys too much when he tells his uncle matt that a 7up is his beer! ooooppsssss - guess we need to limit "guy time?" lol
When i figure out how to upload videos I'll be posting one of his songs (as well as a swimming one I have been working on!)
Rock on!!! \m/
Saturday, August 14, 2010
potty update
So.... we are about one month in full potty training mode. Trevor has been baring it all at home in our efforts to get him to use the potty. He has been about 90% successful with peeing in the potty 0% with pooping. He began school again just 3 days ago..and was slow going there with his peeing in the potty. I feel bad that at 3 and in preschool he wasn't already out of diapers (hey I know how it changing table and 3 year olds poop is not any easier to change) We are firm believers in NO PULL-UPS! I mean seriously WHY teach a child that it's ok to go in them but not underwear??? Aren't they pratically the same?!?!? Why bother - especially when they cost so much more for so many less than pampers!!!
SO ...also in our efforts to potty train (and by no means is this the "right way" or "wrong way" to potty train per ECE) - it's just our way that works for Trevor....he earns money for every pee and gets immediate toy for poop! So far he has earned 2 trips to the store (which he gets to do when he earns atleast $5).
Well today he finally did I sat on FB playing Family Feud and my hubby sat watching TV - Trevor announced "I have to pee again momma!" I say " GO ahead!" (he had just peed and I had not yet cleaned out the potty chair) "Pee on top of the other pee" I said as he was saying something about the potty being dirty. I asked Justin to go in and help him as I couldn't hear what all he was saying. NExt thing I heard was "Trevor...that's not where it goes." (Bless my hubby's heart - he didn't quite see that Trevor had done an incredible feat not a "no-no") I walked in thinking oh no...he pooped all over the floor. I was wrong. There was a nice little pile of poop right there ON his potty. Not quite in, but ON the lid of his potty chair. Trevor was crying as he knew that wasn't quite where it went! But I took that moment to Congratulate him...what a feat! He put poop on potty - just not in the bucket for easy disposal!
I tried to console him with proudness, Justin followed as well! Needless to say -Trevor pooped on the potty (Literally!!!) So later we will head to HEB (town as he just informed me) to snag up a special Potty toy!!! I wanted to photograph this significant event but Trevor said no! I think I have enough "embarassing" moments as it is! I will post a pic of his toy asap!!!
Let's just hope that next goes IN the potty!
SO ...also in our efforts to potty train (and by no means is this the "right way" or "wrong way" to potty train per ECE) - it's just our way that works for Trevor....he earns money for every pee and gets immediate toy for poop! So far he has earned 2 trips to the store (which he gets to do when he earns atleast $5).
Well today he finally did I sat on FB playing Family Feud and my hubby sat watching TV - Trevor announced "I have to pee again momma!" I say " GO ahead!" (he had just peed and I had not yet cleaned out the potty chair) "Pee on top of the other pee" I said as he was saying something about the potty being dirty. I asked Justin to go in and help him as I couldn't hear what all he was saying. NExt thing I heard was "Trevor...that's not where it goes." (Bless my hubby's heart - he didn't quite see that Trevor had done an incredible feat not a "no-no") I walked in thinking oh no...he pooped all over the floor. I was wrong. There was a nice little pile of poop right there ON his potty. Not quite in, but ON the lid of his potty chair. Trevor was crying as he knew that wasn't quite where it went! But I took that moment to Congratulate him...what a feat! He put poop on potty - just not in the bucket for easy disposal!
I tried to console him with proudness, Justin followed as well! Needless to say -Trevor pooped on the potty (Literally!!!) So later we will head to HEB (town as he just informed me) to snag up a special Potty toy!!! I wanted to photograph this significant event but Trevor said no! I think I have enough "embarassing" moments as it is! I will post a pic of his toy asap!!!
Let's just hope that next goes IN the potty!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Potty Training Blues about 2 years of age Trevor showed a deep interest in the potty! I got so excited thinking WOW at 2 he'll be potty trained! Unlike many boys I knew -- he would do it early!! We went out and bought a potty chair and all. He sat down one time and that was it! It disgustingly sat in our bathroom like a house decoration!
Gathering dust and dirt the potty chair was used here and there - for a chair or a quick attempt with no success! He just had no desire to put peepee in the potty. He would go to the bathroom a few times at school - sporatic - and a few times out in the yard! We even tried the infamous Once upon a Potty video... :( He would tell me "I can't want to watch that potty movie Momma!"
I became more and more frustrated...the educator in me was SHOUTING---- STOP PUSHING!!! When he is ready he'll let you know. And when that happens he'll just do it! But the Mom in me was crying --- PLEASE use the potty - save mommy some money so I don't have to buy diapers and people won't snicker when I say my almost 3 year old still isn't potty trained. I really tried to give my child choices in his life so that when he chose to "take control"of something (as many 2-3 year olds do) I was hoping it wouldn't be the potty! Go figure -- guess that's where sometimes education just doesn't always apply in parenting?!?!!?
So still struggling with my alter egos and trying to exlain to my hubby that we can't push this - I finally decided to just see how Trevor would do with going bare. He had no desire to wear any of the cute underwear Momo (his grandma; my mom) had bought under wear then nothing! He had resisted nakedness before so I wasn't sure this method would fly with him...but it has. Once we got home from school I would strip him down and let hm be naked around the house. After a few pee's on the floor, a poop on our patio and some stern " We don't put peepee on the floor - we put it in the what? yes potty!" He would finally come screaming "I need a pamper!!" Which was his code for "I need to potty!" So I sat him down on the little potty and there he went!!!! YEAH!!!! We had a huge party - he got to call whomever he wanted to share in the celebration. Of course it was Daddy, Momo and Cici! Day 2 - same thing! I was getting hopeful - but the next day was a full school day and being naked at school is just not kosher! I know --- surprise surprise!!!
But it has been 2 weeks now and for the most part he is gradually going to the potty for peeing everytime. My mom wasn't too happy that she got to help in potty training. I know she secretly hoped that he would be potty trained by the time he came for his visit...sorry MOM!! But she has done a great job and keeping it going! He still has to let go of pooping in the potty (he still uses his pamper for that!) But we are getting there. Slowly but surely!
The Mom in me wants it to be faster, but the edcuator knows that this is great progress and he shouldn't feel pressured. We'll just have to wait and see. He still rarely wears undies, may be he'll just be a "free-baller!"
Trevor turns 3!!!

So 7-7-10 came and went! Seaworld was fun and all but now it is time for the party!!
Trevor LOVES Diego and so we had a Diego party! I was really impressed with HEB as they did the cake again this year (each year I am usually a bit bummed). It looked good and the cupcakes were great too!
Trevor had many guests and was spoiled rotten! We arranged for a huge slip n slide so that everyone could enjoy and stay cool -- as a July Saturday is not the coolest day of the year! My tip of the party was having numerous "cooling stations" good for each age group! Slip n slide for the adventurous, our "redneck pool" for the older more calm and the baby pool for the lil ones or people's feet!!!
It was so nice to see everyone who came! Trevor was excited about a few of his school friends making it over and quickly made up lost time with them. He actually let us light candles on his cake this year -- years before he freaked out about fire! At one point - after the pinata and a fw guests had gone-- he said to me "Momma, let's get in the car!" WHY I asked? "I want to find a new house!" Perhaps that was my cue that he was done partying?!?!?
Thank Goodness for my Aunt Trish-- she was the "party photographer" and did an awesome job capturing the moments! If you attended the party and want to see some pics - email me and I'll send you the link!
We had so much fun that day - we had to save the presents for the morning after! Needless to say he was overwhelmed and over stimulated with all his goodies - but he did love them all!! I probably could've saved a few for Christmas and he would've never known!!! But sincerely, a HUGE THANK YOU to all of you for making it out for our lil man's special day and for helping us all celebrate!
Dolphins, Seals and Orcas OH MY!!!
So for Trevor's inevitable 3rd birthday I decided that he should get to go to Seaworld San Antone since he has this fascination and love of all things sea life! So he was all prepped and proceeds to inform anyone and everyone that he "will turn 3 at Seaworld!" We jumped on the $5 child ticket and brought my nephew as well - thinking Trevor would fair better during an 'all day in the heat park' with someone else along for the ride!
Dinner the night before at Joe's Crab Shack (it was across from the hotel--btw Thanks DAD!!!!) we were inormed that Trevor would be "getting his party started at Seaworld!!" hmmmm...wonder where that phrase came from!? Before hitting the bed for the night - in preps for a long day - we hit the pool. Trevor made friends (as he does anywhere he goes..sound familiar....Justin!!!!!) and learned by a sweet 9 year old (or so) how to "dive!" So after that late night swim he returns to the room to say (word for word) "Shoot that was a good swim!" Justin, Klay and I about died laughing!
Seaworld lived up to its hype and actually amazed us in the waterpark department! That could totally have been a whole day adventure itself! At 2 pm we were thinking WHY had we waited so long to hit this area of the park!?? Trevor LOVED the wave pool if you can believe it! plus the lazy river was nice! We of course saw like every show they had...Shamu rocked and we got to see the new baby Orca! Azul wasn't very good:( But Trevor LOVED feeding the dolphins and trying to "pet" them! I think Klay had a good time as well and he was so well behaved! I thought for sure I was crazy thinking I could do this with 2 kids...but they amazed me! Thank God Justin took off and came with me --- not sure I could've done it by myself!
Needless to say the boys and I had a blast and what a memory for Trevor! He passed out about 10 minutes after stopping to grab McD's with apples and dip in hand! Luckily his 7-7-07 luck was with us--as we got pulled over on the way back in Dripping - WARNING only but still!!!
WHAT A DAY!!!! I only hope that Trevor treasures this memory some time in his life - as I will treasure it always!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Summer Vacation
We headed to Cabo San Lucas for our "annual" Summer Vacation. It is our 5th year going and each year we get a little smarter and more efficient!!! All I can say is play up those time share peeps! We toured an awesome hotel and walked out with over $350 worth of stuff!!! For what ended up being 3 hours of our time but that's $100+ an hour!!!
We love going and enjoyed seeing what had changed and stayed! It is getting more and more touristy but we still like it! Trevor loved flying and did so well both ways - though on the way there he said"I think there's something wrong with the plane!" as the landing gear came down and the flaps went up as we were landing and seated right over the wing!!! Good thing we didn't have fearful flyers near us!!!!
He spent many days at the pool and became so comfortable that we now are on edge when he is near water!! I think lessons will be a must this summer to ensure his love for the water. One water he didn't care for was the ocean....thought the "waves were gonna get him!" Despite our held tight arms he would NOT go into the "ocean." Luckily he LOVED the sand and it allowed me to sunbathe and Justin to float without any worries!
We always do few things each time we come - so if you're ever headed to Cabo do these....
*a sunset cruise (our fav is the Pirate Cruise...but we did also try the Cabo Escape! See a pic of Trevor dancing it up on their facebook page!)
*Another fav is now the "submarine" - not a true one but it takes you up against the rocks that the scuba divers go by -- tons of fish but no nemo to Trevor's disappointment! But he still LOVED IT!!!! He talks about how he went on 3 boats and 1 submarine!!!!
*Some great eateries are Galeon, the Office --of course!!!, El Coral (a new one for us...yummy seafood platter for 2) and El Pescador (it's off the beaten path!). YUM!!
We all got a little tan on!!! YEAH - my white body needed it!!!! Vitamin D'd all up! I posted some of my favorite pics but if you want to gander at more....check out my facebook or picasa web album!
We hope everyone has a great summer! Hopefully many of you get to take a little vacay somewhere and if you need to me I got one I can part with!!! :)
Some of Trevor's Summer goals will be to : 1)potty train!!! 2) put clothes on/off (including some shoes) 3) write letter R and V and 4) seep in his bed all night!!!!! Any tips out there?!?!?!?!?
Monday, May 17, 2010
New Camera
I got a new camera for Mother's Day and am so excited to use it! It has way too many options and gadgets but I will slowly learn them I swear! It's a Canon Rebel Ti1.
We also have good news in that Justin got a job! He's doing a lot of manual labor and excavating but it's steady work!!! Plus benefits will kick in in a few months! YEAH! He already got a raise!!
We are busy planning our summer. So far a trip to Cabo, houston, Seaworld, some work, some play and definitely a 3 year old party!!!! CAn u believe he'll be 3....I can't! He's all about Diego so that's our party theme! A huge inflatable slip n slide for adults and kids should be a hit! He loves animals and cars! Lately he has a thing for Ironman too...not sure why as he has never seen the movie! Kids just pick up on the smallest ad I guess!
He just says the darndest things! He keeps us laughing each day with his little quips and faces! Enjoy the pics. They are some of my favorites! Plus a few from my new camera!
We also have good news in that Justin got a job! He's doing a lot of manual labor and excavating but it's steady work!!! Plus benefits will kick in in a few months! YEAH! He already got a raise!!
We are busy planning our summer. So far a trip to Cabo, houston, Seaworld, some work, some play and definitely a 3 year old party!!!! CAn u believe he'll be 3....I can't! He's all about Diego so that's our party theme! A huge inflatable slip n slide for adults and kids should be a hit! He loves animals and cars! Lately he has a thing for Ironman too...not sure why as he has never seen the movie! Kids just pick up on the smallest ad I guess!
He just says the darndest things! He keeps us laughing each day with his little quips and faces! Enjoy the pics. They are some of my favorites! Plus a few from my new camera!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Wedding, Funeral and Family
So...this weekend has been so eventful and crazy yet fun! We had numerous family members in town: Justin's pateral grandmother Gail and her sister Patsy joined us for Trevor's soccer practice and some brunch at Mimi's-YUM on Saturday am! Then it was off to honor a friend of Justin's - Pat Rolland who lost his battle with throat cancer! Then we were off the celebrate the marraige of my Aunt Trish and Joe!
It was a wonderful wedding and fun ceremony! Trevor was the hit of the night as he danced it away! I'm still surfing youtube to see if some of the videos I saw being taken made it! We all took bets that he wouldn't make it out of the parking lot but he made it all the way home! Must have been that candy buffet they had; or the photo booth of fun or all theboogie-ing he did on the dance floor with a lil boy he deemed " Where's that white boy!?" (he was wearing a white shirt and being 2 he did not ask this boy- Zachry - for his name!) Klayton even had a dance off with a Finfer "cousin" and showed his "rapping" abilities to a Kanye song! With all that fun we got to spend time with my Grandpa and Grandmama and even crashed the newlywed breakfast the next morning! Finishing out the weekend was Klay's baseball game with Uncle Willie and buying our tickets for CABO!!!!!!! Whew....glad this weekend is over but it was fun!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
my son, the humorist
So as I sit here facebooking, reading books to Trevor and watching my soap know typical multi-tasking of a mother; my son turns to me and says... " I want to give you a sloppy kiss." I look down at his face, eyes full of mischief and grin ear to ear...I notice his cupcake icing soaked mouth - covering his lips like a clown's make up! I say" You need to clean that mouth off first. It's dirty!" He says - while licking all around his lips " What? my lips aren't dirty!" Gotta love that! I have begun a journal - writing down some of his funniest quotes, stories and sayings! I just wish I could video him 24/7.....his personality is charming, witty and mischievious!!! He cracks me up even when he angers me! Guess that's the love of a mother to her child! So he finishes the night with "Mom I made a mess." I say "Ask your dad for help" he says "Dad clean up my mess" just as matter of fact as ever!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
So Spring brings lots of fun to our household... we've done egg hunts (which Trevor loved and still wants to find eggs each morning!) and pictures in the bluebonnets. Driving past our spot I see how many others have joined in this tradition and how they've ruined these beautiful spots along the road. Why can't people just sit where others have sat???
Now it's time for all the birthdays that Spring brings! We have 2 each weekend!! Trevor is slowly learning the idea of giving to others - though it took almost our whole trip to Target to really imbed that these toys were not for him! Spring also brings Spring ball and Trevor is really into being a "big boy" and having the ball thrown to him for hitting! He loves to cheer on his cousin and run the bases after the games! I'm going to attempt to post some photos here....we'll see how well I do!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Virgin Blogger
So... many have asked and I finally deliver! A blog!!! I typically send out these emails to my friends and family letting them know all about my family, my life and especially my baby boy! Well - he's not quite a baby anymore...he'll be 3 in July! Time sure does fly by and I don't know how to slow it down! I just love being a mommy and sharing my trials and tribulations with my friends and family!
Welcome to my blog! There will surely be laughs, questions, advice and photos! Please feel free to be a follower and leave me your comments and suggestions - as I have much to learn with this blog thing!
Welcome to my blog! There will surely be laughs, questions, advice and photos! Please feel free to be a follower and leave me your comments and suggestions - as I have much to learn with this blog thing!
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